Response for every response? I realize it is not always possible! How about you?

March 20, 2008 10:33pm CST
Greetings to everyone.. I became a member here 10 months ago and had a goal that I was usually able to keep. That was...a response for every response on my site. Then during the last month or David and I have been busier than ever with work and personal goals and that has over-ridden my ability to respond to every response the way I once did. So regretfully I am not sure if I will be able to catch up with some of my earlier posts. I will endeavor to do so as time permits...but I felt the need to let regulars to perspectives know that I greatly appreciate your participation here even when I cannot respond. I do drop by and read responses, pick up PM's and respond to friend requests...but sometimes I do not have time to reply and I regret that. Having said that I wondered how you manage things when life gets busy for you. Do you stop posting discussions until you are caught up? Do you post something as I am here to let friends know what is going on as I am here? Do you go back to older discussions and try to get caught up...or just post new discussions and carry on from there? In my view open, respectful dialog creates understanding and acceptance...and so I'd value your input about what you do when you cannot respond to every response. Thanks for you input. Just wanted to update happenings on my site...and share ideas about what you do with yours. Thanks in advance... Raia
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34 responses
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Hi Raia, I can't always get to people's replies but I do try my best to and if I can't I hope they understand that sometimes it's impossible especially if you have over 40 responses to one discussion (doesn't happen very often but when it does I do find it hard to reply to every response). Sometimes I can't think of a reply so I just move onto the next one. If I have been away I try to catch up as much as I can and may also post a discussion here or there as well. I have on occasion told friends that I'm going to be away for a few days and will get to their discussions when I get back and other times I may not say anything and just play catchup and start all over again :) Good to see you back again and it's all good that life is keeping you busy. We will still be here :)
3 people like this
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Your welcome and wishing you and your family a lovely Easter too. cheers, Rachel
3 people like this
• Canada
21 Mar 08
Hi again... Good to hear from you again as well. Thanks for sharing your experiences and how you contend with responses. I have noticed that you do a good job with replying to any discussions I've participated in at your site. With that in mind I am sure regulars to your site understand when you cannot reply and that helps me to look at it in that way here. Your feedback about it helps. You are obviously quite active with the fact that you are not that far away from achieving 8,000 credits. Good for you. It took me 10 months to reach 2,000. Some of that comes from the rather lengthy responses I usually make. Maybe I need to spend more time visiting friends' sites because it does take a lot of time to respond to every response all the time. Your input is immensely helpful...I appreciate your reassurance. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter...and we will keep in touch. Raia
3 people like this
• Canada
22 Mar 08
Much appreciated! Coming back at you. Fun to read about your lovely week with your son. I am sure he will enjoy the Easter Bunny fun as well. Blessings Rachel... Raia
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
21 Mar 08
Hello dear perspective friend. What you have written here in the discussion is also what I want to express. Because I also have many many email notifications that I do not have that much time to respond to. They are right now 6002 and I find it hard for me to finish them all in a short time, but I still keep them so that I would be able to respond to some of them that I can get related to some day. But in fact, it is not an easy job at all as there are always new notifications pouring in every day. Anyway, I will just try to work hard on that. Thanks.
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• China
22 Mar 08
Hello my dear persepective friend. Thank you so much for your nice comments. I also wish you a very nice Easter with your dear David.
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• Canada
22 Mar 08
Hello again my friend.. Thanks for adding your experiences to the discussion. I changed my e-mail address and Mylot still hasn't corrected it so at this point I do not get ANY notifications and I wish I did. Hopefully they will catch up to the change and adjust it soon so I can receive alerts from valued friends like you. Whether you respond on your site or not..I truly appreciate your on-going interest and support of my topics. I value you and wouldn't have any problem if you didn't respond to my responses on your site because you always do here. I guess we all do the best we can...when we can and most understand that. Wishing you and yours a blessed Easter. Raia
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Greetings to you too and Happy Easter, I wish you a wonderful and fulfilling weekend. In the beginning I responded also to everyone of my responses. Then reality and life got in the way. We have all been there and do understand. We can only do so much, sometimes it is tough to respond to everyone. We all do have other lives, families, work, etc. Mylot is great, I love the people, I do like to respond to everyone but sometimes you just can't. If you get behind, then it makes it that much harder to catch up. Don't worry about it, we all understand.
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• Canada
21 Mar 08
Hi Polly...and I see you made your 5,000th post and beyond since chatting last. Good for you! I finally reached my 2,000th and it took me 10 months to do that. It helps a lot to have your feedback about this because you have posted more than me. I have often wondered how others feel about it when it isn't possible to respond especially because I was able to do it most of the time before. Thanks for your reassurance about this...I value the connection we have and trust that we will keep in touch as time permits for all of us. My girl friend said...'life happens' and that it does. Thanks for your understanding and on-going interest and support it means a lot. Warmest regards, Raia
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• Canada
21 Mar 08
Oooops... Meant to with you a happy Easter as well. May you and your family enjoy bountiful blessings at this time of renewal and spiritual significance. Raia
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@Darkwing (21583)
21 Mar 08
Raia, my dear friend, we understand that there is a life outside Mylot and sometimes things get hectic for all of us, so although we miss you, there is no problem when you can't catch up. At least you've had the decency to come on and tell us why... many don't even have time to do that. Personally, if I've had time out, I do catch up with acknowledging all my responses before I start another discussion, because I appreciate people taking the time to respond to me, and I benefit from keeping a thread going. The longer a thread goes on and he more responses, the better my earnings and the better my reputation grows with other users. I regard it as a matter of politeness anyway. I hope you're doing well, and have sorted out all your personal goals now, so in wishing you a Happy Ostara, and great growth during the year, I send you my Brightest Blessings. xxx
• Canada
21 Mar 08
Hello again my sweet soul good to chat with you again. I value your 'perspective' on this. Your views about politeness echo my completely! That is why I have felt genuine concern about not being able to respond to every response the way I have in the past. Like you I truly value hearing from anyone when they take the time to drop by and reply to any discussion of mine. In coming to terms with the fact that David and I are busy and our career path is expanding and how it has taken away from time here has been difficult for me to reconcile. Hearing from you and that you understand helps. Even though I will still do my best to respond to every response...I wanted friends to know that it isn't always possible. I value your acknowledging comments when you said.."At least you've had the decency to come on and tell us why... many don't even have time to do that." It means a lot. Hopefully I will be able to go back and catch up between all the good things that are happening here...but I guess time will tell. Wishing you many light filled blessings at this glorious time of year. Happy Ostara to you and wishing you all the happiness and abundant living you so deserve. Warm and loving regards, Raia
2 people like this
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
21 Mar 08
It's really hard, especially when you are more active in starting new ones. But if there is something you could add onto it, like pointing out additional facts about the response would be a good thing to do. Like in my case, I often start multiple discussions in a day. Some of my own posts only receive a few, and I'm thankful for at least one would recognize it the put a comment under it, for appreciating their effort. As long as they make sense to me, I add a comment to it. the only ones I refuse to comment on, where those one-liners and irrelevant responses.. And in your case, I know that you're not that ACTIVE here. I and most probably some of your friends here, do know that always do your best to respond to each and every post or comment you receive as long as you have time to do so.. Wish you have a great day and a wonderful easter this coming weekend, take care and God bless..
• Canada
21 Mar 08
Hi Raijin.. Warm Easter greetings to you as well. Thank you for your input and understanding. Not being able to respond the way I once did has been a concern to me. It is not an effort for me to respond to every response when I have the time because I like the back and forth chit chat that often arises as a thread gets going. I have also appreciated in some of our chats that we veer off into other directions and that is enjoyable as well. With not being as active in as I was when I first signed up it is important to me that valued Cyber friends like you know that I miss the connection but will do my best to get back to discussions and friends' sites as time permits. Thank you for letting me know that you do understand...and that I do not take my friendships here lightly. I intend to maintain my site and continue keeping in touch with you and other on-line friends because the connections I've made have meaning to me. Take care...and we will keep in touch I may take a hiatus...but I'll always come back! Wishing you and yours many light filled blessings.. Raia
3 people like this
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Mar 08
What I try to do is first spend time replying back to responses in my own discussions...then if time permitting start hunting around my friends' discussions...I've been pretty faithful in giving responses to repliers in all my discussions for the past few months, but have to admit didn't do this in my earlier ones...I look at some of my old discussions and a lot I have empty spaces..LOL
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Oh just emailed you about this very discussion and the why behind it..heheee
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• Canada
21 Mar 08
Greetings and wishing you many light filled blessings and a happy Ostara as well. Oh yes, Pyewacket you have established a great reputation for responding to every response on your site. I was very committed to that and still am. The only challenge right now is that I simply do not have the time I did when I became a member 10 months ago. My intention to continue doing that is still strong...but life happens and both David and I find our career paths opening up in new directions and there is only so much time to allot to Mylot these days. I appreciate the way you are doing things...and I will do my best to keep my commitment to responding to every response at least here. As you say when time permits I make a point of dropping back to discussions I've replied to and visiting friends' sites. Yes, there is always a lot to do within the busy community we call Mylot Land. Good to know people understand when it isn't possible. Thanks for your input...have an enjoyable weekend. Raia
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 Mar 08
I normally let People know just like you are doing, as long as People know they will not take offence or think that you are not interested any more Now you do not have to worry any more because your true Friends will understand and I am one of them
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 Apr 08
Awwww thank you I am glad to see you back Hugs
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• Canada
24 Apr 08
Ah sweet of you to offer your words of encouragement...and understanding. Thank you. I am so glad you accepted me as a friend...being that we share a love of Lakota. I hope to chat more with you and will drop by your site. I am almost caught up on all my older responses and appreciate that you waited a month for this one. I have some breathing space and once I am caught up will post some new discussions and visit friends sites to let valued people within this community know how much I appreciate them...and you are one of them too! Big hugs to you... Raia
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• Canada
4 May 08
Hi...and thanks for your warm welcoming comments. I dropped by you site and enjoyed reading about you and your precious Gissi...cute! I have spent the day doing my best to every respond as I find them. Hopefully I will be caught up soon and will post a couple of new discussions and continue to drop by to see friends on their sites too. I value your input Gabs...thanks! Raia
@nickventere (1420)
• Zambia
21 Mar 08
I respond where it is necessary and relevant. I think that is the normal way to do it.
2 people like this
• Canada
22 Mar 08
Thanks for your input and how you do it. Good to hear different approaches. Raia
• United States
21 Mar 08
I do not go back and search for old responses I just go on answering new one which interest me. I do not start discussions apologising for my lack of or failure to respond as I don't think to many people really care why I was unable to respond. If I am missing for any long length of time my friends may perhaps PM me and ask if something is wrong. I also to do think that my responses are of such importance that excuses are necessary. Raia I do not mean to address this to you or any other individual personally just my own evaluation of my own responses
2 people like this
• United States
21 Mar 08
I forgot to add that I do comment on responses from my daily emails if I feel that the responder has taken time and effort to respond. I do not comment to resposes which are just simple I agree or disagree posts
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• Canada
22 Mar 08
I appreciate your up front approach to topics and see where you are coming from. My views are akin to Darkwingand Pyewacket. Concerning oneself about whether people respond or not is not an ego thing...,more that responding to responses seems polite and respectful. If you read their replies and others I have chatted with things can feel one-sided if someone takes the time to drop by and the person who posted the discussion doesn't make any effort to comment. So different perspectives on topics is what keeps this site interesting. Happy Easter... Raia
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Mar 08
Hi Raia, I can understand your situation, I would not have been able to cope when I was working. I guess this is one of the advantages of retirement, I can now do this sort of thing without too much pressure. Sometimes I still get behind, and have to go back and get caught up. Blessings.
2 people like this
• Canada
22 Mar 08
Hello again... Yes, I found it was easier to stay on top of things when I was recuperating from my knee injury and when work was less demanding. I agree that it doesn't take too long to get caught up if the discussion is not too in depth and philosophical. Discussions like these are fairly easy to breeze through. Once I am finished with this one I plan to go back to some of the others and see if I can catch up because I value all who drop by here. We all do what we can from the sound of it and that everyone understands. That is good to know. Happy Easter to your and yours my friend, Raia
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
22 Mar 08
I absolutely try and sometimes because of time I cannot do it. Today I'm playing catch up so I should be able to get to everything. I always like to respond so people know that I did take the time to read their response as they took the time to read and respond to my discussion. Eventually I try to get to them but if I can't I say thanks. Then again sometimes I just can't stop myself from responding!
• Canada
23 Mar 08
Hi again.. Thanks for the PM...sent you one back. Ah yes, isn't love grand! From my chats with you I know you have always been consistent in responding to every response on your site...and when commenting here. My follow through on replying to responses on other sites is very on-again/off again. The length of my responses here often takes up whatever time I have. I do like to drop by friends' sites and comment...but admittedly I do not always make it back to keep threads going. I totally agree with you about checking replies and then just 'having' to comment. Yes, this community really draws us all matter how busy we are. Anyway..I appreciate hearing from you as always. Raia
• Canada
25 Apr 08 spoke a truism with that statement! Raia
• United States
24 Mar 08
Sucked into the mylot abyss...I wouldn't have it any other way! LOL Have a great one my dear!
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
24 Apr 08
Hello there perspectives, this is certainly a good topic. I've been wondering myself on how I could try my best to answer responses to just about anyone and everyone that have answered to my discussions, but I find that the time factor is certainly running out. And so, I've come up with a strategy. I make myself answer to the discussions that my friends had replied me with in a way of saying thanks to him or her. But at the same time, I will always go check their new discussions out for most are really interesting. But for those long answers to my discussions, I would make it a point to come back and comment on something because I appreciate the time that they took to that particular discussion. Thanks and take care there. ;)
• Canada
24 Apr 08
Hi and thanks for dropping by, responding, adding your input and asking me to be a friend. All much appreciated! My approach has traditionally been to respond to every response on my site. The challenge that I faced in the last couple of months was demands on our time. My hubby and I are self-employed and do life coaching, seminars, public speaking and I am a professional photojournalist. When work demands come up..they are always first. We are also working with a web designer and are planning to launch our new site int he not too distant future. All of this took time away from one of my hobbies...Mylotting. However, as soon as I had some breathing space I am back...and responding to every response on my matter hold old the reply was. Just my way of doing things...when I can. Good chatting my new friend...and I am sure we will again. Best regards, Raia
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• Canada
4 May 08
Cheers to you...and we will cross paths when the time is right. Raia
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
28 Apr 08
You are very much welcome, Raia..
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@Aingealicia (1905)
• United States
31 Mar 08
Raia, Greetings my friend. I try to do what you are talking about. Going through post, making sure I respond to everyone however that is not always possible. I think if we do our best efforts in such a manner that is a blessing in itself. Ainge
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• Canada
9 May 08
Wow...missed yours from three weeks back. Thankfully we have updated each other...and will continue to. My comments about your 911 are completely sincere. You have real talent...and I respect who you are and what you do. Be good to do a lot of good for others. Raia
• Canada
24 Apr 08
Hello again Ainge.. I appreciate your input and it mirrors my preferred way of doing things on my site as well. However, it is as you have pointed out...not always possible. I think through time we all develop a reputation and when we do respond most of the time when it doesn't happen immediately friends know are either too busy...or will get back eventually as I am doing 1 month later here. Good to be in touch...look forward to chatting more. I loved your 911 poem and added my comments to it. Good job! Raia
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• United States
25 Apr 08
Raia, Thank you so much, I am actually just checking up on here for the first time in 2 days, however, I still go through everything that I have written and all that I have responded to trying to catch what people have said. Thank you for the comments on the 9-11 poem. Take care of yourself. Ainge
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@Deea48 (1166)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Well I wrote out a nice long answer and poof it disappeared, fewy. Anyway try as I might, I am not always able to respond to every response. My work life and such just does not allow me the time to do all of them. But I always try to do some. I have also been working hard on rating discussions I like, and responses I like as well. Lots to do here in Mylot, busy, busy. Have a nice weekend and a wonderful Easter Raia.
• Canada
21 Mar 08
Faery photo from meditating space - This photo was taken with experimental lighting in my meditating space.
Hello again... We must have been posting at the same time. My response to Mooch timed out as well. Thankfully I had copied it as I tend to do with every post. You will appreciate that after you reach 500. It is really annoying when you put time and energy into a post and then lose it...GRRRR factor alright. Thanks for your response. I appreciate hearing from others who struggle with this too. My responses are often on the longer side and when time is short the most I can do it read and rate. I do that even when I do not reply because I really enjoy hearing from regulars and new people to the site as well. So from what I have read so far we are understanding of each other..and that is good to know. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Easter as well. We are heading into Winnipeg on Monday to celebrate David's birthday with I will be unable to respond...AGAIN. Oh well I'll be around on the weekend and spend some time here because I do miss it when I'm not here. I have included the photo from my meditating space that I mentioned was the same as your Avatar. I love faeries and as I said when we first connected...always great to meet like minded others. Best regards.. Raia
2 people like this
• Canada
24 Apr 08
Faerie collectibles - Just one of many faerie collectibles we have in our home.
Hi again. Here I am doing my best to respond...even though it is waaaaay past the time you posted this. I finally have a little breathing space and I am glad I came back. Thanks for the name of the artist...I didn't know who did this one. I actually found it on the front of a scribbler of all places. I loved it and framed it. I also love faeries and this type of artwork. Have you seen the work of Susan Seddon Bulet? She has passed on but if you keyword her name you will find countless sites showing her work. She has pieces that reflect her metaphysical beliefs as well. I have included a photo of a few of collectibles from my faerie collection. This one sits in our upper bathroom. I also have them tucked away in plants and there are two larger ones that sit amongst our garden in the summer. Fun sharing and good to be back here...I have missed chatting with you and other friends. Hope all is well with you. Warm regards, Raia
@Deea48 (1166)
• United States
25 Mar 08
You know I have a whole collection of her work, Josephine Wall. I love that she has so many little intersting things in her pics. Fun. I am also a huge fairy and angel fan. My house is full of them, and plants as well. Hope you had a lovley weekend and a nice visit.
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Unless it is a stupid, off the wall, or sarcastic response I will respond to everyone who writes in to respond to one of my questions. I know there are those out there who don't and that is fine but I find it better that I do respond and when I do there are others that then get in on the conversation and we have a lot of different viewpoints all from the same conversation. Thanks and GREAT question Zelo
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
22 Mar 08
It happens when therer are times when you miss someone or there is just not any use for a response. I have some questions that after months of being out there there is someone that would like to add some more to it and that is great I just may miss the response. I try to get to everyone and if I do that is great, if I don't I apologize ahead of time. God Bless Zelo
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• Canada
23 Mar 08
Hi again.. Thanks for the follow-up and even though I have dropped the ball a little in the last approach will remain akin to yours. It is very satisfying to post...have someone respond...and hear from them again. You have mastered the art my friend! Take care and hope you are enjoying the Easter weekend. Raia
• Canada
22 Mar 08
Hello...and thanks for the kudos on the topic Zelo. Your views echo mine in an ideal setting and up till now I didn't have any trouble in responding to every response most of the time. There were times I'd go back and realize I'd missed someone...but by and large I comment, rate and assign best responses. However, lately we've been busy and I just couldn't stay currant. It is good to know that most members are understanding when it isn't possible. As I have said happens! Have a great Easter weekend. Always a pleasure to hear from you. Raia
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• Nepal
25 Apr 08
I want respond all discussion but it is not possible to response each discussion.
• Canada
26 Apr 08
Well we all do the best we can...when we can. Even though I was away from my site for the past month I committed myself to going back and responding to every response I missed. To me not responding when others take the time to contribute to my discussions is I keep at it until I have...responded to every response. But as I said my friend...we all do the best we can and most members understand that about each other and just one of the many reasons I love Mylot! Cheers, Raia
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
27 Mar 08
I think what you mean is you comment on all of the responses you get to your discussions, right. Well, I only comment on the ones that I have something to add to, or if someone asks me a question. If I have nothing to say or add I don't comment by just saying thank you or anything like that because it is against the mylot guidelines to do so. You might want to read the guidelines again as they continue to change and mylot continues to add more. I may start a lot of discussions in one day and I read all of my responses I get, but very seldom are there any responses that I have something to add to, so I just don't. I appreciate all the responses I get, but like I said, you can't comment back with just a thank you.
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• Canada
24 Apr 08
Hi and thanks for your input. Sorry it has taken me a month to get back here...but better late than never! I have read the Mylot guidelines...and do not comment with only a thank you for that reason. My responses and discussions are typically on the longer side and almost always over the required 400 word...2 paragraph minimum so that is not a problem. The only time they are shorter is when I go back and thank someone for giving me their best response. Also I am talking about responding to every response on my site. Whenever I have time after doing that as my first priority I endeavor to back and respond to comments on discussions on other sites. To me it is a courteous, respectful way of keeping threads going...and supporting each other in a give and take way. However, we all have to figure out what works and do the best we can within the lifestyles we have. Raia
@yona06 (585)
• Indonesia
26 Apr 08
I tried to respond to every response too, but then found myself taking too much time in doing that, especially when there are a lot of responses to respond to. So now I just respond to whenever I can but still keep focus on creating or finding new discussions to respond to.
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• Canada
4 May 08
Boy have I been there and done that too. However, when all is said and done I still do my best to go back and reply to most everyone who drops by my site...between visiting friends on their sites as well. It is a juggling act and tough to keep comments current when 'life happens.' I think members know we all do the best we can...when we can. Continued happy Mylotting and thanks for your input. Raia
@arjun999 (1004)
• India
31 Mar 08
I try to respond to most of the posts i get. But some posts are unrespondable. There is nothing to respond to such posts. We cannot do anything about such responses. If i am busy i would always try to catch up.
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• Canada
24 Apr 08
Hi and thanks for offering your approach to this topic. I agree with you some posts are challenging. I had one person reply with "Sometimes." I did reply...with a simple OK. It was a response...and as much as his comment warranted. I am also doing my best to catch up. It has taken me awhile and it is month later...but I am here and responding! Cheers, Raia
@flowerhorn (1008)
• Malaysia
9 May 08
I try to respond to every post. However,sometimes it might take days. That's a good sign if u unable to response to all.Prove that you have some higher earning somewhere else
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• Canada
10 May 08
Hi Flowerhorn...and welcome to Mylot. My approach is that I still do my best to respond to every you say...even it takes awhile. My higher earnings come from my regular work as a professional writer, life coach and group leader. I do not consider Mylot as a source of is a hobby I enjoy as time permits. Hope you enjoy yourself here...happy Mylotting. Raia