Obama or Clinton

Clinton and Obama boxing - This photo is used to show what my discussion is really all about. It's, of course, about the feuding between Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton.
United States
March 23, 2008 1:01am CST
Who do you want to serve the next presidential term, and why. Please be descriptive and show a solid base of knowledge on the topic. Back your reasoning with evidence, not just opinion. Let's see who can get more votes on this post. Will it be Obama or Clinton?
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2 responses
• Belgium
23 Mar 08
I'm for Obama. Why? Because he's been opposed to the 'War of Terror' since the start. On October 2, 2002 he presented a great, controversial speech in which he declared he was against it. This was during a time where a majority of Americans wanted mindless vengeance against whoever they could blame. Obama used reason. Because he'll be able to improve the international relationships and fade away America's poor image. George W. Bush has brought about a big 'bully' image. Obama shows that he's willing to listen to what others have to offer and he'll be honest when he's asked questions. He won't pull out political hypocrisy, he'll stay straight on topic. Because he's a great speaker, a charismatic figure and less superficial than other candidates. When hearing him talk one cannot help but think of John F. Kennedy. He displays most of those qualities that made JFK an enigmatic individual. Because he's awesome. ;)
• United States
23 Mar 08
"Obama opposed to the war of terror since the start"...because he said he did. I opposed the war on terror but I wasnt in a position to vote about it. All of the people who did vote for the war can only know exactly how it is to be in that situation. Our President provides the information to them, then they base their decition on what they believe is right. Obama has no idea how he would have voted because he wasnt in that situation to make the choice. It is easy to say you didnt want it but the fact is when the time comes and you are faced with it, that is the only time you can act on the issue. "because he'll improve international relationships and fade away America's poor image"....How? I would really like to know what steps he will take to do this. You mentioned Bush's "bully image". While I do agree on this, I dont necessarily think that having a "tough" image is bad. Our President must give the appearance that he or she is tough enough to deal with the world challenges that present themselves. "he'll be honest when he is asked questions. He won't pull hypocrisy, he'll stay straight on topic"...did you not hear anything he said about his relationship with Wright before his big speech then after his big speech. He admitted that he basically lied about what he did know. "he is charasmatic figure, and less superficial than other candidates. when hearing him talk one cannot help but think of John F. Kennedy. He displays most of these qualities that made JFK an enigmatic individual. Because he's awesome".....I personally dont think of JFK. I wasnt born when JFK was President but I am very well aware of the accomplishments of JFK. I studied political history in school and I dont think that Obama and JFK are one in the same. JFK never would have stood for divisiveness of any racial group. He stood for equality for all. Obama accepted divisiveness from his pastor for 20 years. We are no longer living in the past so why continue to teach the sadness of the past to today's youth. To me a president needs to be more than a good speaker and more than someone with charisma and the ability to wow crowds with his words.
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• United States
24 Mar 08
we can agree to disagree BK. I think quite the opposite you do. What you think of Obama, I think the same of Hillary. I feel that she will be a stronger leader than Obama and I dont think that just because he is not white that somehow we will have a better stance worldwide because of his color. I still havent gotten an answer about How he will do a better job except that he is of different ethnicity. I just dont think that is enough to make him a better choice for president.
• United States
24 Mar 08
Well, I wholeheartedly agree with HawaiiGopher. And yes, asuniqueasyou, while he may have been a bit vague, I see what he/she means. Obama seems like the nex politician to make a big change, for the better, for America and all countries it is associated with. Being a man of a differentethnicity of all the past presidents, I really do believe that will cause other countries to either like America more, or hate it a bit less. For the past few centuries, all of our presidents were of the same skin color. Since America is a melting pot, you would expect that after that long we'd have someone different in office. Maybe if the other countries see that we've changed that, they'll see America IS about equality. That's not all, of course. Obama's views are very similar to mine, and it would take a very lengthy amount of time to run through them all, so do some research. He's really not a bad guy at all. While Hilary might do a decent job, I'm just really not for everything she's hoping for. Altogether, she just doesn't seem as strong a leader as Obama
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Neither - I think both are a poor choice of leaders for this country. Then again, the republican line-up isn't looking to good either. If I had to pick between the two, it would be Obama, but only if I absolutely had to pick a democrat. I'd much prefer Ron Paul, or a third party candidate in the White House for the next four years.
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• United States
24 Mar 08
Well, I believe in Obama. I really wouldn't mind Hilary all that much, but I am hoping to God that a Republican doesn't somehow win. If they do, our country will just go to the dogs. I have No faith in ANY of the Republicans currently running. Giuliani would have been good, though
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