Why do you think you must have a relationships in your life?

March 25, 2008 11:17am CST
I think it for sure, because it will make my life more colorful and it let me know how important am I to other people!!!...
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15 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
25 Mar 08
I personally dont need to have a relationship going on in my life..In fact my marriage could end tomorrow and I'd be just fine...My relationship with my bf could end tomorrow and I'd be just fine..Sure there would be an adjustment period I mean I've been with these men for 10 and 11 yrs now BUT I DON'T need a man (or woman) in my life..
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@paulsy (1263)
• Philippines
25 Mar 08
I think it depends on what kind of relationships you want. If it's family relationships, well, I guess that's part of everyone's life. Romantic relationship is another thing. It may not be a necessity for those who are single and fulfilled. But for some who are in a fulfilled relationship right now, it may be an important thing. In my case, I am in a happy relationship and I think this is very important in my life. I have someone to share my love, and someone who constantly shows his love to me. It makes my life complete!
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
25 Mar 08
I thought that too at one point in my life. Now I realize I am my own person and good in my own ay and don't need to be in a relationship to make me whole. I am in a long term relationship and he does make up a part of who I am but even without him I would still be me.
@msfreeze (89)
• United States
27 Mar 08
i dont think its good for anyone to be completely alone but at the same time you dont need other people to validate who you are.
• Philippines
27 Mar 08
If you are talking about relationship between a man and woman romantically, Personally it is not important and a must for me to have one. What I mean is, I don't see any problem for example if I will grow old to be an old maid if that is my choice in life. Of course, it would be better if you have someone, a partner, to grow old with. But if that is how your choice, so be it. People that I know that did not get married are also happy with their life. They are happy being single and it did not stopped them from moving on with their life. They devote their time doing things that they like or helping family members.
@busta1baby (1230)
• United States
22 Apr 08
cuz i hate being alone i cant stand it..
@nehaaaa (1748)
• India
26 Mar 08
Relatioship is a part of life.........if you dont have it with whom you ll share your self.....
• India
26 Mar 08
yes... because relationship allow one to share something good or bad. Personally in my life maintaining relationship has highest priority. By sharing my ideas/problems with my relatives, i feel happy. Without relationship i can take every decision on my own. When i am in trouble, i take suggestions from my relatives and when they are in trouble,i am always there to help them.
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
25 Mar 08
I think I comprehend what you stated and I quite agree with it. We can never be islands andbe far away from other islands since, deep underneath, we are all related to each other in some ways
@mwala1287 (284)
• Canada
27 Mar 08
I think it is definately important to have all different kinds of relationships in your life. I think that we need them in order for our lives to be complete. we are not able to live as human beings without relationships of some sort. even those who consider themselves anti social, still somehow must have a number of relationships in their lives. it does indeed bring fun and excitement to our lives as well as stimulate the brain to function at all times. we are continuously communicating with others around us whether they are family, friends, co workers, classmaters, professors, hairdresser, mechanic, waiter/ waitress.... ect....... and on the flip side, it does let us know and help us realize what we mean to the others around us and how exactly we impact their lives..
@madlees (1377)
• India
26 Mar 08
there itis Relationships are not only of bf and gf . There are many other relationships in this life. Parents, siblings, lovers, friends etc We go through all the relationships each of them in a differnt way. It really gives a meaning to our life. The relationship between siblings is different and so is the relationship between the parents and the children. You have to have relations around you with friends. Only then your life is worth living. That's what I feel.
@paid2write (5201)
26 Mar 08
For the first time in many years I am not in a relationship and I am enjoying it. I did not think I would want to live without loving and being loved but I find it gives me more feeling towards people in general. I can still feel love towards other people without having to be in a relationship.
• Philippines
26 Mar 08
I believe in the saying that "no man is an island". for me, we create relationship because we are able to and that we are different from other species. it makes life more interesting because through relationships we can enjoy who we really we are, we can know more of ourselves and others. it is not only socialization in which no relationship is formed that can make us whole. relationships are part of our life and it is inevitable.
• India
27 Mar 08
man is a social animal and selfish.relationships are essential part of life.don't bother about the fact that how many people enter or how many leave,just be concerned on those who stay with you without conditions and expectations.life is short,single and beautiful to look with so keep rocking with the relationships you are into.
@miller1978 (1101)
• United States
25 Mar 08
The main reason I have a relationship is because it is someone to talk to late at night while laying down to go to sleep. Also because we share some interests and have fun doing them. It's nice to enjoy some adult conversation on a day to day basis with someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Then there are the things we don't have in common that gives us something outside our regular talks to talk about and see what the other has to say about what one likes and another doesn't.