tap water vs. bottled water

United States
April 2, 2008 12:20am CST
okay so the only water i can seriously drink is poland springs or figi water i can't drink purified or tap water it just taste so bad to me? is it just in my head or do they really taste different and am i the only one?
2 responses
@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
3 Apr 08
water - bottled water
i think they just taste the same...since they are both water,do you know that sometimes bottle water has more contaminants than the ordinary tap water...and 70 percent of bottled water are not safe to drink...maybe you were only used to drinking it thats why you think thy have different taste...
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Apr 08
haha yeah but its so weird even purified bottled water i can't drink it i can only drink spring water. i just can't see ever drinking tap water. but everyone tells me its just in my heard
• United States
6 Apr 08
i live in new york city (were they encourage you to drink tap water) and i've been drinking tap water for years i drink bottled water to but i dont have any health issues because im drinking tap water. din't at one point a bottle company say that thier bottled waters were contaninted? everything you put in your body is good for you one day and bad the next.
• United States
7 Apr 08
yeah i live in new york also but i didnt know we were encouraged to drink our water. but i wasn't worried about health i just don't like the taste of the tap water
• United States
7 Apr 08
i took my kids a few weeks ago to the museum of natural history and they have these signs over the water fountain saying "go ahead drink our nyc tap water" i was like wow thats interesting lol
• United States
9 Apr 08
haha thats funnyyy