Mike Rowe HOTTIE!

United States
April 12, 2008 3:15am CST
I absolutely love this show!!! It's funny and gross at the same time. After watching the show many times I finally noticed that Mike Rowe is not only funny but he's also pretty hot! I've always had a thing for men who get dirty when they work. I know he's a Cable T.V. host but dang he fills out those work pants really well. What do you guys and gals think? Later
4 responses
@mykmari_08 (2464)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
I've heard of this particular tv show already and if my memory still serves me right, it is locally aired by a cable channel through the Lifestyle Network. But admittedly, I have never watched this show because some of my younger siblings whom we (my husband, our daughter, and me) live with in a rented two-storey house prefer other local tv shows aired at the same time as Dirty Jobs. But there are other shows which I do love watching from this same network, like Iron Chef America, Martha Stewart Living, How Clean is your House?, and a lot more shows from them. Anyway, I guess by next month during the holiday season, I'll be able to take some time out to watch some shows including this show you mentioned here. Aside from this, I guess several months from now I will have more time to be a homebody and spend more quality time with our daughter since the company I'm working with for nearly four years now is planning to close shop due to financial crisis.
• United States
17 Sep 08
Oh my yes, Mike is a hunka hunka isn't he? He could park his dirty work boots under my bed anytime! Did you know he was an opera singer at one time? Love the voice, it's almost as good as Sam Elliott's.
• United States
17 Apr 08
I completely second your notion (actually, I guess I "third" it, since I'm not the first to respond). Yeah, he's pretty hot. I think a lot of that also comes from the fact that he is funny and really gets on well with the people he works with on the show. If he were a jerk, I doubt I'd think he was half as attractive.
@twilight021 (2059)
• United States
12 Apr 08
Actually I totally agrree with you on this, and I know lots of my girl friends do as well. Mike Rowe is a great host, with a great voice (I've noticed he does a lot of commericals now too, plus sining that Dirty Jobs song). He is always fun to watch and treats all the people he visits so respectfully....which also make him attractive in my book! I actually have a guy friend who has a secret man crush on him becuase he is so cool!