shud u abort a handicapped child in pregnancy

clone - clone
October 31, 2006 11:05pm CST
if u know tht child is gonna be handicapped when born n lead a life as such...shud u abort the child or not?
1 response
@birthlady (5609)
• United States
1 Nov 06
No, I would not about my handicapped child.
@birthlady (5609)
• United States
1 Nov 06
sorry, I ment to type "abort" not about!
• India
1 Nov 06
wud it be justified especially since the child will be dependant on someone else long as u r there it wil be u takin care but later after u ...tht child will be at mercy of the ppl who cud harm him for property. who cud treat him very awful. tht child cud spend every minute of his life in hell n wish he was neever born at al. the same child cud ask u then y wat u thhgt when u knew abt his problem n yet gave birth to him to suffer . y u hurled this suffering on him knowingly when u cud have releaved him?...wud u still want to not abort the child...if so y?