Driving and Talking

@rlc456 (415)
United States
April 13, 2008 7:53pm CST
Just wondering how many have cell phones? How many talk and drive while talking on the phone? Do you think there should be a law about driving and talking on cell phones?
3 responses
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
14 Apr 08
no I don't have a cell pone and no I don't drive, but it is dangerous to drive and use a cellphone because you are not giving all your attention to the road and so many accidents including people dying has been due to cellphone use.
• United States
14 Apr 08
I have a cell phone, and I never use it during driving. I'm not a bad driver, but I don't want to take a chance. I was recently in a car accident beause my friend was texting, and of course, the accident was her fault. If I really need to talk on the phone, I usually park in a lot, and talk there. I really think that there should be law about talking on phones and driving, I've seen too many accidents happen because of this.
@Swaana (1205)
• India
14 Apr 08
The same question have been discussed earlier. Any how it is bad to talk while you drive. You are just not putting yourself in danger, but also putting the life of so many others also in great danger. In India, there is law as to not to talk while driving. If you have to attend that call, move over to the end of the road, stop your vehicle and then talk be it a two wheeler or a four wheeler. If you are talking while driving, you will be caught and fined. But still it is not so strictly followed as there are lots of vehicles and the policemen are few. The only solution to this is fixing up cameras all over and checking the people. But still, it should be the morality of the people as to not to do such things.