The future

April 13, 2008 9:09pm CST
Generation after generation is getting lazier and lazier, do you think that in the near future robots will soon be literally doing everything for us?
3 responses
14 Apr 08
Great question! I've often thought this to myself, i must admit. In this, the Big Brother age, its not so difficult to imagine a time in teh future when electronic intelligences are used for menial tasks, and more. They would be much more time effective, as they could work longer hours, and could potentially make more business sense than humans doing teh same job. However, whether i think this is fundamentally 'right' or not is another thing ~ i dont, by the way, think it's right, or ethical, to have Robots taking humans out of work by machines, for example. I also think the above post is a huge thing to take into consideration, when choosing humans over 'robots' per se. LOL interesting discussion topic! xxx
14 Apr 08
Agreed. Of course it would not be right to have a man or woman with a family to feed to just be booted out of work because of some machine, But unfortunately i see that happening and its not the robots who are coming in a screwing it up for us....its us...the lazy americans who are making these robots and screwing it up for us...only time will tell, and hopefully i will have my business in full running by that time
@lynnmh10 (12)
• United States
14 Apr 08
I do think that we will use them for many things but think that just as in the movie the "emotions" will always be a problem there are something that will always need human touch to get done
@sisco100 (2338)
• United States
14 Apr 08
hell ya, already there making thing so tht people have less to do so ya. i will never need a michine to do stuff for me other then make and heat my food up