can anyone tell me how can i earn 0.5 -1$ per day at mylot?

April 14, 2008 3:09pm CST
friends i am just worried at the pace i am earning money here.. so i am open to tips from the persons who have been here for some time... please let me know about this.....
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11 responses
@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
15 Apr 08
Try to make a discussion a day and do rates and comment back at responses at your discussion. Don't forget to filling tags. Respond as much as you like, a helpful respond will gets you good rate to increase you earning. Don't forget your friends you make and responding their discussion. They will remember you and comment back. A good and long conversation are producing lots of income so quick.
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@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
17 Apr 08
Good for you!!
• India
16 Apr 08
thanks!! from now on i will try to put as much tags as possible. i will also try to comment back on the discussions i have started..
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@zuyoji (82)
• Singapore
15 Apr 08
You respond to the discussion relevantly - this will help you to talk and think a lot about the topic and it also help the asker to find their answer through all thouse discussion by the another users who have responded. Do not just anyhow choose a topic in the discussion and response the dicussion anyhow. MYLOT will delete your post and instead of earning it, you are just wasting your time typing it as you did not earn any money. You enjoy having a disccusion with users in the net - you have to be enjoying having discussion with other users or you will soon find yourself losing interest in responsing the user. When you enjoy having discussion with the user, you will not mind writing it long and talking lots of many thing that come to your mind. You do not really mind about earning money through this system - About the system of earning from MYLOT, it is really a mystery to all of us, unless you are the team behind mylot. So sometimes they will give you a small amount of earning of you might get quite a handful amount per day. It's really depends. So , the only thing to survive this,you have to take it as you didn really earn anything and like the previous point, you enjoy having discussion with other members. You just try your best to answer the main topic by the asker - All askers have their main goal, that is to have their question answered. If you are the starter of your discussion, you want to find someone in MYLOT answer your questions. Right? Just like what i am doing now, tryinG to give you an answer in yout question. This lessen the chances of your responses being delete away by the staff but also promise you to get the earning you want but in a classified amount. Also, not to violate rules when you open an discussion, this will let the staff to delete your post and lost all the hard work you have done when writing the post. I try to answer from what i know and hope you can really get an aswer out of it. The main idea is not to earn money but to discuss with each other, that is what i believe in . Although i am also trying my best to earn my part but sometimes, you would rather take mylot as a regular discussion panel with lots of discussions to talk about.
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• India
15 Apr 08
thanks buddy!!! your reply has answered many of my questions!!
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@zuyoji (82)
• Singapore
16 Apr 08
You're welcome~
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Apr 08
You have to respond to a lot of discussions. You will make more if these are longer. Many people suggest you offer a response that is three to four lines, longer if you have something to say. Start a few discussions of your own, but mostly stick with responding to a ton of discussions.
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@TAPARIA (314)
• India
14 Apr 08
I think you should respond to lot of discussion and i think that by starting a new discussion and uploading relevant picture also earns you more. by responding tohte responses you get you will earn more and you wont have to think much on what to write. make sure that you tag your responses as i read that it also pays. I dont know whether its true or not. by responding to responses the post wont be counted but you would get paid for it. You are just two posts away from getting a star. enjoy yourself.
@amitpuri (457)
• India
16 Apr 08
hey friend i am new here at this site but still i want to say only quality post are going to give us something rather than going for one or two liners, they are not going to give more money here. i posted about 25 posts day before yesterday and got only 30 cent as i was stressing on the quantity rather than that of the quality but now i come to know that quantity post can only let us earn more.
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• India
16 Apr 08
thanks for being here!! now i will try to have quality rather than quantity..
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@gcrew931 (228)
• Philippines
15 Apr 08
If you don't mind how much are you earning now? I guess make an experiment. On one day post as many as you can and on another day post elaborate answers and topics. See if it changes anything. If it does then my theory is the length of your posts translates to the quality of it. Anyway, just have fun while responding because that is the only way that you'll give quality responses. Tell me how it goes ok? Good Luck!
• India
15 Apr 08
thanks for the advice i will try to do this thing too.. thanks for being here!!
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
16 Apr 08
I think that is a ery difficult task, lthought I know you could achieve it-the best way is probably by way of tabs-disover how to post by tabs. I recently came accross this site, it pays you in pounds sterling, you can make upto 1 pound a day and you kno pounds are stronger that dollars-check here and join free=I started 3 days ago and I gave made about 3 pounds!
• United States
14 Apr 08
Respond to a lot of discussions. But make sure you are really responding, not just saying things like "Wow, that is interesting, I will look into it." If you do that people will know you are just trying to raise your post count and make money. So, they will report you, which costs you money. Also, post relevant pictures to the discussions and interests. It takes time. I did 20 posts yesterday and made 72 cents.
• Indonesia
16 Apr 08
i can't. i have never reached that amount . they said that the easiest way to earn well from mylot is getting as many referral as possible.
• India
16 Apr 08
thanks for being here!!
@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
16 Apr 08
you can earn that kind of amount if you respond to some discussions containing at least 4-6 lines. another way is by starting a new discussion of your own and uploading some pictures from the related discussions
@rombi001 (941)
14 Apr 08
in order to make money here you must not be concerned about money!! your main goal should be just to have fun and chat to people... Just try to have fun!