rasing money for the kids in the hospital

@jbrooks (264)
United States
April 17, 2008 10:12am CST
i want to let others know that i am rasing money for the sick kids that are in the hospital. the children miracle network is in june and i want to give them the money that i raise. also i want to keep rasing year round so i have a website that is set up for this purpose. if you are interested in the website please let me know and i will send you the link.
1 response
@nowment (1757)
• United States
17 Apr 08
That is a great cause and I wish you luck, I have raised money for the children's hospital here in NJ for Children's Miracle Network and even worked the telethon for years though it has been a while since I have done that. Something anyone reading your post should know. While most groups, telethons, organizations give a PORTION of the money raised to the cause and the rest is for "administrative" fees. Children's Miracle Network insists that if any children's hospital wishes to belong to this that 100 percent of all money raised go to the kids. This is unusual and while people have made the point that it is better that some group get 60 cents on the dollar than nothing at all my response is, if Children's Miracle Network can do it so that children get 100 percent of the money meaning they get the whole dollar of every dollar raised then so can other groups. I remember when Marie Osmand and the Osmand foundation first started this, they were so insistant that all money raised go to the children that the Osmand family and the Osmand Foundation actually paid for the expense and cost of the telethon. Another nice thing about this organization is that every dollar raised in your area stays in your area. So if you are in PA, the money goes to Children's hospitals in PA, if you are CA the money stays in Ca. if you are in NJ the money stays in NJ Good luck jbrooks, I hope the site is a huge success, and that you raise a great deal. Children's Miracle Network does not give up on children, and unlike a group fighting a disease there is not end to the need for these hospitals yes they deal with disease and ailments, and medical issues but they also deal with accidents, and other such complications. I meet a young lady in Children's Hospital, before the accident, she played soccer, soft ball, tennis, and basketball, she was on several teams, however because some fool needed to be drunk driving at 11 am on a Sat morning, she was hit by a car, so that when I meet her, she could not even use a electric wheel chair she did not control her own hand movements enough though therapy was trying to help her with that, she could not even hold her own head up it would fall foward if not strapped to her chair. Thanks to work from Children's Hospital she graduated collage on the Dean's list, and was able to walk up with crutches to collect her diploma. So for every one who donated even a dollar for the years she was being helped they can be proud to have helped this athelete learn to walk talk again, and reach such a great goal. For everyone who donates at any time take pride in knowing that even a dollar or two means you did something to help other young people like this lovely young lady who at age 12 had her life so drastically changed. I know of another young lady whose family was told to put the child in a accute care facility [nursing home for kids if you will] because she was never going to get any better than she was, which mean she would lay in a bed for the rest of her life being fed through a tube. she was only 2 at the time, Children's Hospital did not give up as that doctor who told them to put her away did. That young lady worked on a computer before I did. Children's Hospitals around the country never give up. Any time we can drop any money to them to help every penny helps and adds up, it is well worth it, our children are our gift / blessing, and future, and well worth the investment, of putting time and effort into.