getting my first laptop

@jbrooks (264)
United States
April 19, 2008 10:12am CST
i just got a laptop and it is so different from the computer that i have at home. i wanted to get this so when i am out and about i can manage my online business and advertise to people so they can find wonderful products for every day occasions or just for themselves. i also am giving away free 410 gift cards for first time purchases on my site. i just found out that i need to get a connection so when i am out i can have interenet access. do you know what else i might need and how much would i have to spend to get things i need
2 responses
@Al_Bobid (88)
• Philippines
21 Apr 08
If you have internet at home no problem because you can just connect your laptop to your internet source and then a little manipulation with the settings and then you are connected. You can also use your internet ready cellphone as a modem. Or you can subscribe to a wireless modem. Or you can go to a hotel, and any establishment with wifi and connect to their wifi...
@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
21 Apr 08
Hi, I see you deal with a lot of photos & pictures. I'll be good to get an external 2.5" notebook hard drive when you need the extra storage space. Well, since I'm not from the US of A, I wouldn't know how much it would cost at your place.