Which spiritual book has changed your life?

April 22, 2008 5:36pm CST
Have you read a spiritual self help book or 'new age' book that has changed your life and influenced what you do and how you do it. A book that has made you look at yourself differently, or enabled you to see things from a new perspective. Has a book encouraged you to forgive someone or to ask for forgiveness. Has a book enabled you to talk to your parents about the past, or helped you to discuss problems with your partner or spouse. What self help books have helped you and how. Is your book a newly published one or is it an old classic like 'how to make friends and influence people'.How has this book changed things for you and did the changes last?
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2 responses
• United States
22 Apr 08
I just finished the book called "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle. I found this to be a very interesting read as well as enlightening. I do think that it has changed my ways of thinking and looking at life. I hope to continue to grow and use some of the things I discovered while reading this book daily. This book has made me slow down and not feel guilty for enjoying the small things in life. Recognizing that God is everywhere at all times. So if I choose not to go to the church down the street, my choise makes me no better or worse than the people who choose to go to the church and celebrate their spirituality. Learning to live with forgiveness starting with myself has been very freeing. No matter what bad I have done in my past it will only stay in my future if I allow it to. I thought this book was great.
22 Apr 08
Yes - i have also read this book and it gave me some enlighting answers to areas I had been studying. I read the book about a year or more ago when it was just published, and now a year on I am not sure if I think the contents stuck with me. Its an interesting point, are you changed for ever or because the book has touched you today? And yes I think the main point that you made that resonates with me is that what ever has happened in the past it only sticks with you if you allow it to Thanks for your great response
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• United States
22 Apr 08
As for will it stick with me forever? I do believe that some of it will. If all of it did then life would be too perfect. The one quote that I have always used and found in the book was, "this too will pass." Even if I only remember some of this book and the rest is just for the here and now, too me it was still life changing in my thoughts and feelings of life. Glad to hear that you read it too. Thanks for the positive response as this is my first time here today. So I am learning as I go.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
24 Aug 09
I would have to say the book that changed my life has been The Alchemist. It said so much in such a short book that I will never look at things in the same way. It has encouraged me to listen to my heart more, strive for my personal legend and know that all things are possible. I didn't think it would be this meaningful when I picked it up; but I recommend it to everyone I know.