can we be happy without money?

@chari_dc (492)
April 22, 2008 9:19pm CST
well, coming from another discussion, i wanna share 3 things that cannot be bought by money but can make me happy: 1) hugs and kisses from my hubby and kids 2) knowing that my parents are happy 3) restful sleep then again, i cannot have all that if i don't have money right? like if hubby and i can't provide for our kids, how can we hug & kiss all the time right? and how will i ensure my parents are happy if they're not living comfortably? and how the heck will i be able to sleep peacefully and with no worries if i don't have means of living? so my question is, can we really be happy without money? if money is, as they say, the root of all evil, why do we need it so badly? appreciate your thoughts.
4 responses
• Philippines
23 Apr 08
It depends on what is your definition of happiness. If being happy means obtaining material things and traveling and spending a lot, then you have to face the inevitable truth that you need money to be happy. However, if being happy for you is being with the person you love, having a good time with them then you need not to have that much money in order to be happy. Of course in this life, you will need money to live by, but you dont need a lot in order to be happy. Happiness is a free commodity.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
23 Apr 08
Hmm. I think people can be happy with out money. We are just so use to our easy lifestyle though that it would be really hard to revert back to the ole days when people could survive without money.
@rookiekan (882)
• China
23 Apr 08
money is very important to our life although it is not everything,but we could not do something if we dont have enough shall we cal happy if we cant do something we wanna do because lack of money.but i suppose the happiness without money is exist,it lived in our lifes everyday,love from parents,lover and intimate friends.happyiness have differents kinds,everyone will found their own happiness.
• India
23 Apr 08
Yup .I think without money keeps man happy . . . Some times you feels like this only . . . Because humans had happiness before the intension of money .So happiness first money next . . If no happiness what you going to do with bugs ?