Do Sweeteners Help or Hurt Weight Control?

@icyorchid (2564)
United States
April 23, 2008 7:36pm CST
Grabbing a diet soda may seem like a smart choice for the calorie-conscious consumer. But a new study suggests that products containing artificial sweeteners have the potential to actually promote weight gain. A recent Purdue University study suggests that artificial sweeteners (like the kinds found in diet sodas) might lead to biological or behavioral changes that make weight control more difficult, instead of easier. Putting this study within the context of overall research, however, we have little reason to believe that calorie-free sweeteners cause weight gain. How much they actually help weight loss may vary depending on how people use them. Also important to note, the aforementioned study did not involve people; it was a laboratory study involving 17 rats. In the five-week long experiment, rats given yogurt sweetened with zero-calorie saccharin consumed more total calories (and gained more body fat) compared to rats that ate sugar-sweetened yogurt. The psychologists who performed the study theorize that when our body tastes sweetness it prepares itself for a calorie load. If sweetness comes without calories – as is the case with artificial sweeteners – we keep on eating or reduce our calorie-burning metabolic activity. For now, however, these theories are little more than speculation. And many researchers are quick to point out that a small, brief study involving rats cannot be used to form conclusions about humans. More of the article:>1=31036 I don't drink diet cola, I do every now and then drink diet Barq's Rootbeer or Fresca. Do you drink Diet Soda?
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4 responses
@KKKBsmom (1092)
• United States
24 Apr 08
I have heard that diet sodas are bad for you... to bad I like the flavor more than regular soda! Just need to get away from all of it. THanks for sharing the info!
@wickedangel (1636)
• Dominican Republic
5 May 08
Hi there Icy, I can't stand the amount of real sugar that is loaded in the normal sodas it just grinds my teeth. So I have been drinking the diet stuff for years now. I can taste the difference with the artifical sweetners and they aren't brilliant either but I just can't stand too much sugar. Really there is nothing that beats water for helping the body rid itself of excess fat and toxins but it is just so unexciting! I try and cut down the amount of sodas I drink. I usually only drink them as a mixer. I try and drink OJ but it is hard to get it without some form of sweetner or sugar in it and I just can't be bothered to squeeze the amount I need to get us both a drink! My main soda drinks are Diet Coke and normal Sprite - they don't sell the diet variety here! Thanks for sharing this with us Icy.
• Dominican Republic
5 May 08
PS. I don't think diet sodas will help in a diet - what you really need to do is drink more water :(
@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
5 May 08
I have heard that, too. Center for Research for the Public Interest states that those sweetners (sweet n low and aspartame) are I've switched to drinking more of Joe's diet soda who only uses Splenda which the agency agrees is safe. In a way the sweetners are good for diabetic people because they can't eat too much sugar, in a way an offer use of the sweetners appears they could have a risk of causing things to go wrong. I guess I will be sticking with Joe's soda until I know more information.
@Jody20 (887)
• Netherlands
27 Apr 08
I rarely drink a soda, but when i drink it i always drink diet soda. I don't drink diet soda because i'm calorie-conscious but because i like the taste better it's not as sweet as regular soda. Have a great day!