what your relationship with you colleague in company

April 29, 2008 5:03am CST
first,i want to say it's very tension in some company. many people work in high pressure ,they only know make money,less time companied their family and friend nowdays. so appears many society problem.i want to investigate the relationship which in you company or school,it looks like a good sense idea .we alway hoping a goood relationship with everybody in everywhere.but it just a dreaming, it's impossible everybody like you and you like everybody, friendship is a so important in our life,we don't want to harm everybody,just do favor to the people who is reality need helping. at last,thanks for you sharing.
2 responses
@ellie333 (21016)
29 Apr 08
I get along really well with all my work collegues but there are one or two that don't with each other but that is down the internal company politics rather than them being friends and targets etc. I go out socially sometimes with the guys and girls from work and we always have really good fun and work topics are banned for the evening. Ellie :D
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• Japan
30 Apr 08
hi,which company you will work in ? i think working in the international company is very good,and get along well with the other people,especial the foreigner
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@ellie333 (21016)
30 Apr 08
I work within a marine camp for a company called Sodexo who are worldwide and have many openings. Ellie :D
@subha12 (18441)
• India
30 Apr 08
Atleast i try to keep good relations to all. i have kept that also. but the case is that there is the new senior who is not so ok as person. he is always in his way to make advantage for him everywhere. he takes unnecessary favours from managers and all.