Looking for Halo 3 players!

United States
April 29, 2008 11:42pm CST
The title says it all. I'm looking for Halo 3 players to play with online. I play for reacreation so I'm looking for a group a fun loving people that enjoy playing it and don't take it seriously. I mean, I play to try my best and win but If I lose or suck at a game I don't attack other players and act like it's the end of the world. Also, you must play somewhat frequently. I already have a list of people that got on only once since I've added them and you must want to stay in contact to play games or chat, I don't care. If interested, say so here and add me so we can swap Gamertags.
1 response
@update_1 (12)
18 Jun 08
I'll play u