What have your kids taught you?

@vera5d (4005)
United States
April 30, 2008 5:42pm CST
We all know we're supposed to teach our kids things like shapes and colors and manners and how to share and those kinds of things... But have you ever stopped and thought about how much you've actually learned from your kids? My children have taught me quite a few things - never to leave the house without snacks, drinks, baby wipes, sunscreen, and bug spray - even if it is just for a trip to the post office. I've learned that ants will swarm to peanut butter cheese crackers if left out on the porch. I've learned how to clean throw up out of a bed. (Use lots of spot shot, then use laundry detergent & water - works like a charm!) I've learned that ice cream is a powerful bribery tool. Most of all my children have taught me the true meaning of unconditional love - it doesn't matter what they do to me or what I do to them, I still love them and they still love me back. What things have your children taught you? Feel free to be as serious or as silly as feel like being :)
7 responses
• United States
30 Apr 08
I would have to agree with the others that patience is one of the best things my children have taught me, but there are so many things they have taught me, like one can never have enough love, there is always room in the heart for another child, dont ever run out of ketchup, butter placed on a 2 yr olds behind will make the driveway into a slip n slid, if you pee on a frog 1st it wont pee on you, $200 in groceries doesnt last with teenage boys, hide the pepsi if I want any when I get off of work, and then there is always to look at the world with new eyes, every age sees the world differently and if we look at it every now and then with new eyes from a new perspective what was once plain is all of a sudden wonderous again.
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 May 08
lol...those are great...don't ever run out of ketchup is a very important lesson!
• United States
1 May 08
oh yeah, ketchup is very important hehe
@roniroxas (10560)
• Philippines
30 Apr 08
i am a mother for almost 17 years now. my first born will soon be 17 this june. there are a lot of things that my children had taught me. and that is love. they even have this song that love is something that you give it away and it comes right back to you. i am a single mom now for 7 years and we had been through a lot already. with those ups and downs our love for each other made us all strong to face anything and everything
• United States
30 Apr 08
That love will hold you thru everything, I have been a single mom for 11 years, and now I am finally ready to remarry, or it may be I have just finally found a man that I love and loves me and my children as we love him. Good luck and that is so cool that you know your love for eachother has made you strong, way cool.
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 May 08
I was a single mom for almost 3 years so I can definitely relate to what you mean!
• United States
1 May 08
I have a 4 year old and a 10 month old daughters. What I learn from them is that, laughter is the best medicine. She loves to laugh and act silly. She sees the world with so much innocence. So, when things gets gloomy and am all stress out and pressured...I shrugged all the burden from my shoulders and join my toddler in laughter and acts silly. Hearing my 10 month old chuckling makes me feel so warm and happy inside. Afterwards, I feel so much better and I can think clearly and finds ways to solve my problems.
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 May 08
It's the cutest when they are laughing!!
1 May 08
it is true that you learn from your children. mine has taught me how to say sorry to them when i have upset them and they have taught me how to use kind words since they like to seek attentions.
@katsmeow1213 (28717)
• United States
30 Apr 08
What I have learned from my kids: To never walk in the dark barefoot. Little toy soldiers hurt a lot when stepped on barefoot. Toy soldiers also melt in the oven/microwave/ and even dryer. So do matchbox cars! VCRs and DVD players do not like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! However cats will eat just about anything thrown on the floor. Cats do not enjoy being locked in the dryer or refridgerator (don't worry, the dryer was never turned on, the cat is fine) Painting the walls is not needed, the kids artwork will cover it anyways. New furniture is not necessary either. Silence is not golden, it's the time to get suspicious. It is possible to hear yourself think, no matter how loud the room gets. Dignity does not exist. Three year olds have great memories, usually at the absolute worst time. Crowded stores actually get a kick out of hearing your most embarassing or personal moments. Some stains will never come out. Crayons aren't the only thing you can use to draw. In real life, kids don't behave the way you see them on TV. Martha Stewart never had kids!!
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 May 08
what a great list!! have you ever seen the plastic bowls people make by melting army men? Silence is always a time to be suspicious!!! Thanks for a great list of things!
@sisterjinx (1135)
• United States
30 Apr 08
Well I'm sure there are multitudes of things that my children have taught me but I think the biggest thing they have taught me, especially my youngest, is patience. Some days more than others. I homeschool so I am with my children, well now just the one, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If they had not taught me patience I would be bald by now from pulling out my hair in clumps. lol My youngest is very hyperactive and has days when he feels he must be attached to me at the hip, even though he is 15. Those days require much more patience on my part than others. Whatever they do to continue to teach me this life lesson, I continue to love them and guide them as they guide me.
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 May 08
I have aquired some patience...but i've also lost it a many times too!!
• Philippines
1 May 08
love unconditionally and be self less