How would you handle spoilt/stubborn teenagers?

May 1, 2008 5:04pm CST
My friend has a very stubborn teenager and does not no how to handle him!! What would you do?
1 response
• United States
1 May 08
That's a fantastic question!! If you get an answer, let me know, my teenage son is driving me crazy! He's bossy and arrogant and incredibly mean to his little sisters. I'm completely lost, nothing seems to be working. I've actually gotten him a therapist and brought in a home based therapy group to help me deal with him. Maybe your friend should consider something like that. If not to change him, then to help your friend deal with him. I avoided doing anything like that for a long time, but I just got to the end of my rope.
1 May 08
there is no point to stress yourself over your teenage son, find out what he love most and offer it to him, most mothers give all the attention to their daughters , try to have a one to one time together, try this you will notice some changes.