
United States
May 5, 2008 1:49am CST
so the pics are out... i didnt think they were that bad she is 15 bound to happen but then i have a 8 yr old neice who watches the show granted she knows nothing of the pics nor will she as far as her father mother an me are concerned but still it un-nerves me a little i wont lie..i dont want ma neice to think its something 15 yr olds do or that it is acceptable..but again i wont bash her for it because they could have been that are stars at a young age are unfairly put in tha light for everything little thing but that is part of tha responsibility of being in showbiz..knowing that people are always happens its nothing to rip her over shes a good role model still shes just growning up ya know they dont stay kids forever...what are your opinions on this matter?
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