What did you cook or have for dinner tonight?

May 5, 2008 12:26pm CST
The million dollar question is always "what will we eat tonight?". Well, I try my best to make an effort with our dinners as my husband is always so appreciative of everything that I make. Tonight I made a pork fillet combined with pasta and carrots, together with curried beans and a green salad. It was yummie.
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10 responses
@pooh08 (671)
• Vietnam
7 May 08
Tonight like yesterday and tomorrow. My family only change the meal at the weekend. Everyday, my family usually eat rice, vegetable, and meat. But food's cook is different everyday.
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@GreenMoo (11834)
5 May 08
Well this evening my partner, who is the cook in this house, was feeling ill so it was down to me to cook. We'd been down on the veg field until late, weeding and planting a few pepper seedlings we bought today, so it was late as well. So, this evening we had fried eggs in bread rolls for our dinner, with tomato and cucumber slices in an attempt to add some veggies! I'm lucky that my eldest has a really good meal at lunchtime each day, so I don't need to worry too much about cooking for him in the evening. I must be honest and say that I normally do better than fried eggs though!
6 May 08
There is nothing wrong with fried eggs in bread rolls with tomato and cucumber as a dinner! It is wholesome and good. May I ask...do you live on a farm because you mentioned that you were on the veg field until late?
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9 May 08
All my fingers and toes are crossed in order for you to move to a farm shortly...may I come and visit?
@GreenMoo (11834)
6 May 08
If you don't ask you'll never know, so of course you can ask! I wouldn't go quite so far as calling home a farm, more a smallholding. With any luck, I'll be moving to a place with more land soon though. Fingers crossed please!
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
8 May 08
LAst night we had pizza and the night before I made Greek Souvlaki wraps. It was so nice. I bought a kit form the supermarket and I chopped up some beef strips then mixed them with the souvlaki herbs and spices and browned it. I added onion to the pan and put it aside. Then I mixed garlic paste with natural greek style yoghurt and made the wraps with tomato, lettuce, beef and onion and the garlic yoghurt. it was heavenly- and quite a cheap meal too!
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@mistissa (1349)
• Netherlands
5 May 08
that sounds very good too, I made tortilla's filled with minced meat and vegetables. And on the side we had a cucumber salad. I had baked a cake earlier today so we had that as dessert with on top a little whipped cream with some fruits. Ok we don't always eat a dessert, but today I was just into the mood of making a little extra effort.
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6 May 08
I sometimes also out of the blue just bake something, like Saturday morning when my husband came into the kitchen he just sniffed and said...what is this, I just baked us the most yummie scones/muffins for breakfast.
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@megumiart (3771)
• United States
5 May 08
I made a remixed lasagna. xD We didn't have any lasagna noodles, so boiled spaghetti noodles, and cooked some onion and chicken. I simmered the onion and chicken in tomato sauce, then layered it with the spaghetti and cheese in a baking dish and baked it. :]
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6 May 08
A remixed of anything with pasta can just be soooo nice! Have done that also before. Hope you enjoyed it.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
5 May 08
I will be eating soup or something soft since I had my wisdom teeth removed Friday and am not eating anything harder to chew than mac 'n' cheese. I am making Parmesan Crusted Chicken with Chive Cream Sauce for my hubby and a side salad. I just need to decide if I want to reheat the leftover mac 'n' cheese I made last night or one of the soups I chose for myself. LOL! After that, I will be having some Reese's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream...yummy!
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6 May 08
Ouch....hope you feel a lot better by now. That Parmesan Crusted Chicken sounds absolutely great. As I live on a small island I have no idea what Reese's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream could taste like, can just imagine!
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@elisa812 (3026)
• United States
9 May 08
Tonight we had cheeseburgers with french fries and some little broccoli bite things on the side. I have sort of been in the mood for a good hamburger lately, so it was very tasty! :)
10 May 08
Last night we took a pizza take away and then my hubby mentioned that he also feel like a very nice and tasty cheese burger. Will make it over the weekend
@paidreader (5143)
• United States
9 May 08
Tonight I made Chicken and dumplings for hubby. He really likes them but I'm not fond of the dish. After I deboned the chicken, I put some of the chicken and the broth in a seperate pot for myself. I added some pasta shells, some broccoli florettes, a little shredded cheese, a little butter, garlic powder and salt & pepper. I can't say that I've ever made it before but it tasted quite good for something I just threw together. :)
10 May 08
That is sometimes the best meals if you just throw some ingredients together. I can look at ingredients which I have in my fridge/freezer and cupboard and the just improvise.
@gemini_rose (16264)
7 May 08
At meal times I always end up doing a variation as my children do not really like what my hubby and eldest son like. So the kids had ham salad with a few chips and for my eldest son and hubby I did a vegetable stir fry with pork steaks seasoned with steak and pork seasoning and they had some crispy boiled potatoe with it. I had tomato soup and a sandwich.
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@meiteoh (416)
• Switzerland
7 May 08
Today is leftover day...I made smoked salmon, leek and mushroom quiche with some passion fruit cheesecake yesterday and we couldn't finish it (huge pan) so we're having it again but this time with some guacamole dip. :)
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