
May 10, 2008 12:28pm CST
What do you think about labs as my first dog??????
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2 responses
@mialei23 (2385)
• Philippines
24 May 08
Go for Labs! They have a good temperant, very much lovable and obedient, ofcourse intelligent! I have a 2 labs (yellow labrador) They are very intelligent, loves to play and love to eat loaf of bread, LOL! labs are recommended for children because they are harmless. Some says LABRADOR are one of the most intelligent dog in the world. I guess so, it shows. Enjoy having a dog steve1212. =)
@AmbiePam (87819)
• United States
11 May 08
Are you wanting a black lab or a yellow lab? I love both types. Labradors are such good dogs. I had a friend who had a black lab, and he was such a sweetheart. She had a little Chihuahua that would try to irritate the black lab, and he didn't do anything to the chihuahua. He was so gentle and lovable.