Mother and daughter's together couldn't have been better and oh so many laughs

@TriciaW (2441)
United States
May 16, 2008 1:47pm CST
Today I took the girls with me mushroom hunting and oh we laughed so much. We wondered around a bit in one place and we each took our share of tumbles over trees we didn't see cause we were looking in the grass. Then we went by the river. Well it isn't the beach part of the river it was more of a cliffy side of a part of the river. Well we found mushrooms and of course we saw some down the side so what the heck my one daughter and I slid down. I kept the youngest one up at the top in case we got stuck. Now keep in mind there were no houses or people anywhere so not sure exactly what she would have done but didn't think that through. While down collecting our treasures there was a large tree that had fallen over into the water. We decided to go under the tree my daughter went first and I told her it is pretty mushy don't get stuck. With that I took a step and down I sank. I was in mud up to my knee and my shoes was stuck with my foot in it. We were laughing so hard I couldn't get out. So of course I finally got out. My daughter up on top was laughing at the view she was watching. So now it was time to get back up. Hhmmm that was a pretty steep drop off we slid down. So took us a few tries of climbing then sliding back down. I am sure it might have gone better if we weren't laughing so hard but it was hard not to. Finally we made it up and we all laughed our way back to the car. We were covered in mud but oh what a wonderful time we had. We recounted the whole thing on our way back home. I think everyone should have a day in the mud with their children it really is a lot of fun!!
2 responses
@sturner03 (326)
• United States
19 May 08
Yes yes kids love to get down adn dirty lol. Sounds like fun, it's those little things that make if worthwile. I'm curiouse were you are from. I am from Maine and I have never heard of Mushroom hunting sorry if I sound dumb.
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@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
19 May 08
we did similar to that when i am still a kid with my father, we always got into adventure specially hunting of mushroom near the river banks and banana field sometimes. i remember i am very happy with some experience specially when we sank into the muddy portion of the place. But now i missed all those things because i live far away from my original place due to my work and my schooling.