Donations on the Internet

@soleya (1100)
May 16, 2008 3:49pm CST
I just wonder if anyone here on Mylot ever donated his/her money on the Internet? I see a lot of bloggers add to their sites some kind of "buy me a beer" or "tip box" button, so that people who really like his/her blog could donate (give a tip) some money to support this blogger. Have you ever supported this kind of donations? What do you think about it? Have you ever transfered your money to charity (sick kids, hurricanes etc) on the Internet? Do you believe in such things like online charity?
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11 responses
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
16 May 08
I participate and donate every year in the walk for autism. I do the online donations as many people tend to do it that way its so much easier than sending in a check.
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@soleya (1100)
• Latvia
16 May 08
It is great! But do you really believe that the money that you donated really were spent on a good thing?
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• United States
16 May 08
Yes I do my son has Autism so I am very involved with the cause and well I have seen all the good this charity has done for people with autism.
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@soleya (1100)
• Latvia
19 May 08
oh, I am sorry. I wish you all the best!!
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
17 May 08
Hi soleya! My husband did donate some money to support a blogger before and that is because he really find the content of his blog very useful. So he transferred a small amount just to tip the guy in appreciation of his useful advice or tips. I guess, there are some who abuse this and there are some who are really credible. Deciding who is a fraud or who is not, I think it is in our discretion. Take Care and God Bless! Happy Mylotting!
@soleya (1100)
• Latvia
19 May 08
it is great! I am also thinking about donating some money to really good blogs.
@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
17 May 08
Your question just remind me about a great social website, where you can easily donate money for charity, and yes I was fortunate to donate some meagre amount for charity through them. Besides lots of affiliate channels allow me to donate for causes direct. I have plan to donate to them as well. As such there is no harm in online donation. And different projects, particulary, GNU/GPL projects run on donation. Think the amount of expenses involved to maintain a website like Wikipedia, and they seek for donation from its readers. I do feel the need for donating to them as well. Wish I could have made a regular income source from my projects, and I've serious plan to contribute a part towards charity using online websites - both for sponsoring GNU/GPL projects, and for betterment of Pets and Children.
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@pclife (246)
• Malaysia
17 May 08
Actually, this supposed to be one way especially for certain orgazation that are established for charity to raise more fund for the purpose of supporting the needy and those under the charity programs. Donations is one good deeds but this often are exploited by irresponsible individuals to collect them. Some make this as "fun" not just as "fund" for certain basic needs ... Dont waste your money just to support individuals that you even dont know them... Make sure to deliver your fund for legal organization or at least you make little check on their identity before giving any donation or whatever.. Although,Dont worry, according to my religious teaching , if we did mistakenly giving fund/donation to those supposedly not eligible for the fund , this are still be considered as good deeds in the eyes of God .... so be happy to make donation & Donate always ! -- Thnaks...
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
17 May 08
I haven't tried to donate money via the net. Lately there is a very serious earthquake happened in my country. I am very sad to all the people who suffer in this disaster. The Chinese Red Cross website is so busy all the time because many people donate money to it or check the lately information about the earthquake. And therefore, I went to the bank and T/T my donation to this organization and I hope it will be helpful to those people. I love China
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@pazuvn (99)
• Vietnam
17 May 08
I donate for the forum of our class . H aha ha. It's goo. ^%^ Donate for the website you like is the good way to rise it live. :)
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@wasim989 (2298)
• India
17 May 08
I have never given any donations online and the reason is simple and that is I don't know where my money will go. So I always donate offline where I am sure it will go for the right cause.
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@soleya (1100)
• Latvia
19 May 08
I feel the same way about the donations online, I don't believe that my money will be used for the good thing.
@iDivision (1412)
• Latvia
19 May 08
I am sorry to recognize it, but i never donated money! BUT maybe it is because i have lack of money all the time too :D
@dragon54u (31636)
• United States
16 May 08
There are too many scams on the internet! I prefer to write checks and send them to the charity's office address. Do you think those bloggers made many tips? What a neat way to make some money while entertaining and informing people!
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@soleya (1100)
• Latvia
19 May 08
Well, I don't know if bloggers make many tips, but I think there are a lot of people who give them tips. I personally never tipped online bloggers, but I think one day I will do so to support really good content.
@Adelida2233 (1005)
• United States
16 May 08
I do not give money to random people. Maybe I should try putting a link to my paypal account at the end of all my blogs...hmm there's an idea... Anyways, I do give to reputable charities online. I actually sit on the board of an organization( and we get over half of our donations from online support.
@asr999 (236)
• China
16 May 08
i usually donate my money to the charities. and i have donated my money to the people who suffered the terrible earthquake in my country these days. i think if every one can show their loves,the world will be better to live in.
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