Tantrums of my kid

May 22, 2008 12:07pm CST
I have a 2 year old son. Generally He is well behaved, but for some things he throws tantrums and makes our life miserable. Today he wanted to sit in a big bicycle. We made him sit for some time but then he liked it so much that he never wanted to get down from it. Although he has all the toys available in the world and he does not bother to play with them unless and until some other kid is playing with his toys, even then, he wnat toys of others. Some how we took him away, he cried and cried, then we told him that we will show him rabbit. we took him to the zoo he was happy with it, then he wanted to have rabbit form the zoo... again he cried and cried.. we diverted his mind by giving him a chocolate, but to our horror, he threw the chocolate and started throwing all the things which were in his way... this was the limit, my hubby had it enough, he gave him a light slap. After that he has stopped speaking with him. Now he is angry with us for not letting hi, sit on the bicycle and not letting him take the rabbit home... Is this a 2 year old kid or a grown up. Are kids getting mature fast. Who is teaching them all this. We never ever do such kind of things, Never has he started going to school or playing alone in the park then how does he react like an adult???
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