Ridiculous smoking laws.

@bonbon664 (3466)
May 22, 2008 2:22pm CST
A new law has come into Ontario. As of June 1st, all retailers must have their cigarette shelves completely covered. I was talking to one retailer, and as of that date, she can't even take the pack out of the display case to show the customer. Now this is a big problem for me. The cigarette company JUST changed the packaging of my brand, and I can't recognize it till I see it. Now, since they can't show it to me, I'm snookered. So, the retailer suggested I walk around with an old box so I can show the retailer the kind I want. This is ridiculous. This place is a smoke shop, that's all they sell. They have a huge room, a walk-in humidor, but, customers can't walk in. They will now have to say exactly what they want and the shop keeper will go an get it. Unreal. The government is a bunch of bloody hypocrites. They impose all these ridiculous laws on a legal product. Now if they had any balls at all, they'd ban it outright, but, they love the taxes too much.
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10 responses
• United States
23 May 08
i sure hope the US isn't hearing that,though it wouldn't surprise me. they're getting absolutely ridiculous with this smoking stuff. they'll probably never ban it here,they're making too much money off it,and we all saw how well prohibition worked.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
23 May 08
As the anti smoking campaign gains momentum we are encountering new laws every day in many countries, but this one is totally absurd. How they pass a law that virtually says that you are not allowed to see what you are buying. If the shopkeeper gives you the wrong product then how do you deal with this later? How many people would buy products that they cannot check until they leave the premises?
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@dfollin (25086)
• United States
25 Jul 08
That law is ridiculous.I don't understand the point.Why are they doing this?
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
23 May 08
That does seem a bit ridiculous. Where I'm at, we can't display them down where someone could reach over and grab them but we can display them. I hope they aren't passing that law everywhere. A lot of stores would have to entirely rearrange. As for your problem, how about just asking the clerk for your brand?
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
25 Jul 08
Thats a really really dumb law. Here in saskatchewan they have to have them covered where minors might be able to view them but they can still show a customer.
@hanirose (307)
• Philippines
23 May 08
hahaha.. i agree with you with the government thing.. =P
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
22 May 08
Oh my this really is stupid beyond words...I mean gosh, you think you were trying to purchase triple-X magazines or videos...and especially considering that you're talking about a smoke shop to begin with. Just hope they don't get the same idea here
@katsmeow1213 (28717)
• United States
22 May 08
That is ridiculous. We have quite a few laws going into affect around here. Recently I heard we are no longer allowed to smoke in the car with our kids. I don't smoke in the car if my kids are in it, but when I did or if I ever do again I always have the windows rolled down if I do. What I wonder is most smoking parents smoke in the home around the kids, so why is the car making a big difference? We're also not allowed to smoke in the mall parking lot... I bet you a lot of smoking employees are quitting their jobs! I've heard we won't be able to smoke at the fair either. I promise you if that's true I won't be going this year.
@Adelida2233 (1005)
• United States
22 May 08
That is rather ridiculous. I live in the US, so the rule doesn't apply to us, yet. Is the brand one that is available in the US? If, so, just look at the website a couple of times until you remember it. Also, instead of carrying around a whole empty pack just cut the front off of a pack and carry it around in your wallet until you can remember. Hopefully this will never pass in the US, I really don't get the reasoning behind it...
• United States
23 May 08
smoking bans are ridiculous, especially in bars, make a few bars non smoking, in the town i live in they are trying to ban smoking in your own home, how is that