What's ur flavor?

May 23, 2008 7:05am CST
What's your fave pizza flavor?
6 responses
• Thailand
23 May 08
I link Hawaiian
@doomed1 (119)
• Canada
23 May 08
Can you tell us why you like Hawaiian pizza? I can't stand the strange combination between the pineapple and the cheese. I just can't see how it mixes together.
• Thailand
24 May 08
I think Hawaiian is my favorite pizza since it has pineapple. For me, eating only cheese is strange. I don't know how to describe. I like fatty food like pizza but sometimes it over than I like.
@jerzgirl (9234)
• United States
26 May 08
I used to like ham and pineapple with black olives and green peppers, but now I really crave green peppers and onions, although I still like the other one. I think I just made myself sick of it. Mainly the pineapple part. But if someone brought me a super thin, but not crunchy, pizza topped with plenty of sauce and cheese with diced green peppers and onions with sliced black olives, I'd be in heaven!! (Even though I just ate!! LOL)
• India
23 May 08
In veg I like paneer pizza n in nv I like chicken bbq....
@kaezy_kulet (2465)
• Philippines
24 May 08
i love pizzas with lots of cheese,pineapple,beef,mushroom and some vegies..hehehe i want do do my own pizza so i can do whatever i wnat to. But there is this pizza here the pure beef pizza it is delicious and so yummy.
• Mauritius
23 May 08
I like all kinds of veggie flavour pizza.
@doomed1 (119)
• Canada
23 May 08
My favourite flavour of pizza is Canadian. This flavour may vary depending on where you go, but it's a cheese pizza topped with pepperoni, mushrooms and bacon.