
United States
May 24, 2008 11:36am CST
After the birth of my second child, I took a drink of wine one afternoon and for about two years I couldn't stop. I had never had a problem with alcohol before, but I wound up spending the night in jail for Public Intoxication and going to an outpatient rehab. But that still wasn't the end for me. My husband went out of town for about a week in October, and I got so drunk the first night he was gone. I passed out, but woke up off and on all night. In my drunken mind, it was a good idea to get another drink everytime I woke up, so that when it was actually time to get ready for work I was still intoxicated. I got up, took my kids to school and went to work. I don't know how in the world I made it through the day without someone knowing what was wrong with me, but fortunately they all believed me when I said I thought I had some kind of virus and didn't sleep well the night before. I tell all this about myself because once I got home and had sobered up, I got to thinking about how stupid I had been to drive in such a terrible state. I could hardly remember the 15 mile drive to my daughter's school, and I just thank God that I didn't kill my children or someone else in my state. I know there is no excuse for that, and I have never done it since. I am not into AA - I have just made it a point to NOT drink anything anymore. So what about you? How do you handle the pressure that seems to be there some days? I have not had any problems with wanting a drink until last night, but I just didn't do it. I said a quick prayer asking God to help me...and it worked! What do you do to keep the demons at bay, and are you feeling better about yourself now that you aren't drinking anymore?
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