Are you still Hot!

@jalucia (1431)
United States
May 27, 2008 11:07am CST
Do you feel like you have lost your looks after having children? Do you feel like given birth took away your physical beauty? How do you deal with all of the physcial changes of becoming a mommy?
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6 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
27 May 08
OH I'm still just comes in flashes now LOL Actually though, after kids I was still a hottie for the most was getting clean and sober after yrs of heavy using, that did a number on me oddly enough (though maybe not so oddly)
@di1159 (1580)
• United States
27 May 08
Heating up again here! LOL, yes it does come in flashes. I was able to have relatively good pregnancies with a minimal amount of weight gain, however after an emergency c-sec, I developed an "overhang" which no matter how much exercising and dieting I did, would never disappear. Last year I finally had a tummy tuck and am able to wear my pre-pregnancy clothes. So maybe right now I'm lukewarm!
@jalucia (1431)
• United States
29 May 08
You are sooo right. Those moments of feeling HOT do come in flashes ... lightning speed flashes. You get a fleeting thought that you look good today, and then those little tikes bring you back down to earth. How hot can you think you are when you're removing chewed up wads of gum from multiple surfaces? Congrats on your soberity. Kids will make you feel like your out of your mind on the regular basis, too.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
26 Jul 08
I didn't feel that way after having kids. I had 4 of them and didn't gain any weight or aquire any stretch marks. guess I was just one of those lucky ones. I think we are all different. Some women do gain weight and change some but I have never thought it took away from their beauty at all. The body usually takes up to a year to get back to what it was before.
@jalucia (1431)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Yeah, I'd definitely say you are lucky ... not one stretch mark? Everyone is different and it's not just the weight gain that occurs with pregnancy. I, honestly, think that most of my body has changed after childbirth - from head to toe. Maybe my fingernails are still the same:)
@emma412 (1156)
• United States
28 May 08
I feel like I fill more of the mom role these days than the hot role. But, I'm fine with that. The only thing that has really changed is the dreaded mommy tummy. But I have been successful in shrinking it the past couple of months and hope to have it completely gone by the time my husband comes home in October.
@only1shi (404)
• United States
29 May 08
i'm still dealing with the changes on a day to day basis. some days, i feel like i'm more beautiful than i ever was, other days- let's just say, i think the swamp thing gets more compliments than i do. LOL :) the first few months after having my daughter were the hardest for me. my belly was like a bowl of jello, none of my clothes fit (maternity or regular), and i was so exhausted that i really didn't even try to make myself feel like the old me. but tons of people tell me now that i'm more attractive since i had the baby. it's probably because they don't have to see all the stretch marks! ;oP
@sharay (2769)
• India
29 May 08
Before my daughter was born, even after a year of her birth, i had my beautiful figure, but then lost it now, have put on weight (not too much though). i dont actually bother to take care of myself anymore..just dont find time to spend on it and now-a-days i dont even feel that it is necessary anymore...
• Philippines
30 May 08
After giving birth I think I look better. I was so skinny before I had a kid but now the extra pounds don't hurt. I intend to keep it this way.