Best things in life are free...?

May 28, 2008 7:47am CST
What things do you enjoy that are totally free? Do you think we all place too much importance on material things while missing those other enjoyable experiences that are not costly on the financial side?
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13 responses
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
28 May 08
Things that i enjoy that are totally free are: Breathing, laughter, the blossom flowers in the spring from the parks, the rain and the wind that blows in the hot summer days. Yes, i agree, we place too much importance on material things.
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28 May 08
I am glad to see there are some people left out there who place a higher value on these things and less value on material possessions.
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@paid2write (5201)
28 May 08
It costs nothing to give a smile. It costs nothing to say something nice to someone. It costs nothing to make a new friend. I can walk for free to a park or to a place of natural beauty. I can enjoy the wind in my hair and the warmth of the sun. I don't have much money to spend but I feel rich because I have my freedom and I have a love of life which is worth more than anything money can buy.
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28 May 08
the simple things are sometimes much much more enjoyable than those experiences that money buys. I too do not have much money to spend but feel rich because I know the true things to value.
@jwfarrimond (4473)
29 May 08
Clean air filled with the scent of growing things and damp earth - especially after a shower of rain. My cats are not totally free - they do need feeding after all, but they provide immense pleasure and selfless companionship at little cost.
@ryzach (1544)
• United States
28 May 08
One of my most enjoyable things to do is having a really good conversation with my spouse or a good friend that last for hours. What I mean is a real in depth conversation about meaningful things, something heartfelt.
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• United States
28 May 08
How about breathing? That's all I can think of right now that doesn't actually have a price. Well then so is acceptance, kindness, forgiveness, and love. I think all of these things are what make life worth living. It's our experiences that are most rewarding from our time on this planet. I'd advise others to follow through to help make everybody's time a good one.
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@fizanali (478)
• Pakistan
28 May 08
i totally agree with u i think now-a-days people have become so selfish and materialistic that they r devoid of all the other blessings like enjoying good wheather etc.
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
29 May 08
I think alot of people place alot of importance on material things, they think that will make them happy and give them enjoyment. Sure buying a flash car or a new outfit might give you instanct gratification, but this happiness does not last. I would much rather non materialistic things that makes me happy. The biggest thing that gives me enjoyment is spending time with my kids and partner. They are all I need for enjoyment, even when we are struggling financially I know I always have them. Together we can do free things like hug, laugh, chat - simple things but really enjoyable. Other free things that I enjoy doing is having a bath, it is nice and relaxing and warm, lol. Singing and dancing are free, I derive a tonne of enjoyment out of these activities. Going to the beach and waterfalls are free also, and you can have alot of enjoyment there. There are many more examples but these are the main things I enjoy doing that are totally free.
• United States
28 May 08
I agree, there's too much importance on the material things in this world. I go to a park nearby and enjoy watching the seasons change. There are many trees, etc. There are ponds, ducks and numerous birds which I love watching. There is also my Grandson, Hunter, who I take to his kind of park, with slides. etc. free. There are the nice friendly customers that I encounter on my job daily.There's the fun I experience with my co-workers. There's the calm that comes over me after I pray.
@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
28 May 08
The ability to love and to be loved.
@excellence7 (3652)
• Mauritius
28 May 08
There are many things in life that are free...and we can entitle them all as 'principles'. We must abide by firm principles which act as a guide to a good life, good principles are free and best things in life..learning and applying them are free, so we must simply impact them on people.
@gloreymay (882)
• Philippines
28 May 08
Things that are free? Which sometimes ta ken for granted these are: friendship, family, love, trust and humility.
• Philippines
28 May 08
i think its good perspective on things but really we do need material things especially todays world...its difficult not to cope with things...but for free i think its not that possible coz nothing is free...
• India
28 May 08
that is so very much run behind materialistic objects forgetting nature....animals....and many such simple simplethings which can give us enjoyment....actually..its subjective....and how we perceive happiness......