cancer-which kills you faster the desease or the feeling you got the desease?

May 28, 2008 11:00pm CST
i have been watching many cancer patients in my life time most of them have broke down when they were diagonised they had cancer....which itself made them half dead even before the treatment.what you have to say on this?
1 response
• United States
29 May 08
I feel that many cancer patients die just because they have been told they are going to. The mind is a very powerful thing. Patients that do NOT believe they will die live longer. I some cases they have remissions and eventual cures. If I had cancer..I wouldn't even want to be diagnosed. I think, many times, the cure is more fatal than the disease itself. Do you know there;s not yet a true test yet for HIV and there are as many FALSE positives as there are real ones? And yet these people believe and also die. No thanks..I'll take my chances and..I feel the more I stay away form doctors the healthier I am!
• India
29 May 08
yes...thats true,treatment is more painful than the diesease.