I need someone to talk to for my depression

June 2, 2008 3:17pm CST
I have been depressed now for over 2 months.I seem to cry everyday i have no energy .I recently went in the hospital for one week and i find that the new meds i am on are making me worse.What put me in my depression was my boyfriend fall in love with someone else.Nothing happened and he was out of town when he fall for this other women.because he was going through a depression himself he made it hard on me,would call me all kinds of names and put my family down.Now he wants me back and he is trying to be better he realized what he was losing.I don't eat I actually hate food the only time i will eat now is if i am around him.I just started a cpap machine which is for sleep apenea and i really find it making me sick.i am up all hours of the night and constently going to the bathroom.i have bad dreams all the time.I look forward to the night time to go to sleep and hate when the day time comes as it takes to long for night time.I have gone through depressions before but this one seems worse.most of my friends are going through a depression right now so can't be here for me.What is hurting the most is i have a 10 year old daughter that i am trying to be strong for,and i can't even be happy.she is the love of my life and i need to get better for her.Alot of people say that i shouldn't give him another chance but he is the only one that is here for me now.I don' even like to leave my house,I used to be a happy go lucky person and i just feel that i am getting worse instead of better.I am seeing my doctor this week as of today i went back on my old meds as i don't think i cried as much when i was on them.I find the cpap machine is giving me alot of gas,i also have severe artheritis in the lower part of my back and i feel the machine is pushing alot of gas and pressure near my lower back.I just need someone to talk to as my family is upset that i am trying to work it out with him,but i can only eat when i am with him.I feel sick everyday and i hate the way i feel.
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25 responses
• Hong Kong
3 Jun 08
Hi Dear friend, I really wish you'll get better soon. I know it's a difficult time for you. I understand that you were hurt in your emotion, you need to have your emotion healed. I also have a lot of hurts, what i do is to ask Jesus to help me. He can go back with you into the memory in which you were hurt and heal you. If He sets you free, you will truly be free; if He heals you, you will be truly healed.. I know He cares for you..What you can do is to call on His name, ask him to come and help you. You can also go to a church near you..God will help you because He loves you and cares for you..He is able to solve all the problems for you and the most important thing is that He is real and alive, and He loves you..
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• United States
16 Oct 10
I'm a single 35 year old man and been depressed since birth.Born as a 3 month preme a have a misfire in the brain i cant show emotions like everyone else can i have to fake them.It's hard doing that all the time it feels like i'm lying constantly to everyone.Anyway theres nothing any dr.s can do as of yet to help me.Iv'e been down all the roads, meds,theropy,est sesions,hypnosis ect.Even atempted suiced 3 times.Wich i dont know how i survived through them thats another topic in it self lol. I might not be able to offer much ,im here to talk as well as listen.
@shaggin (71704)
• United States
9 Oct 10
That is so sad that you are so upset that you cant eat. I've been there I know when depression is really bad or I'm really stressed I have no stomach for food. Even now I eat and I just feel like I'm going to vomit. Dont worry about what your family thinks. If you love this guy and want to work things out then its your life and they need to accept the choices that you make. They dont have to like what you do but they have to deal with the fact that they cant run your life for you and shouldnt be telling you what you should and shouldnt do. They can give you advice if you ask and be concerned but a lot of times family members just but in to much where they dont belong.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
11 Oct 10
Pray to God to bless you to get well. Pray to God that your boy friend will change for the better and will always be around for you to feel better and eat well. Don't mind negative things, don't even think you're depressed. If your family is upset maybe because they don't want your feelings be hurt again. Just go on with things that you think can get you well. If despite of what happened you still love your boyfriend and he's an inspiration for you to get well, then forget what happened, enjoy the moment of his presence showing you care. Get well for him, how can you fight for his love if you'll remain sick. So be happy you can afford your medicines, you still have your boyfriend with you and your 10 year old daughter is a blessing, you must be thankful. Never mind what other people say, just get well so you can guide your daughter to be a good person. Be strong, have in your mind that you have to get well to be with your boyfriend and your daughter. Your will to live will heal you. Pray to God to heal you. I'll be praying for you as well, Cheer up and smile.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
9 Oct 10
Well, sometimes its unavoidable that we feel depressed for the day..but for the health its not a good side, i believe in Meditation which will balance our mind and helps to be normal at situations.
• United States
9 Oct 10
hope, life is really difficult and sometimes more for one than the other, I came across your post and noticed it has been 3 years since you posted this and you never remained on the site as so many of us could have provided you some help. See depression is not something anyone can instantly cure, it is very difficult no matter what we tell you and or help you with, as long as your feeling this way. Talking with others would have done you some greatness. I sure hope today 3 years later life has gotten better for you and you have been able to cope with this. Maybe someday you can return and spread and share some great news. Many blessings to you!
@jbl1975 (374)
• United States
3 Jun 08
Sweetheart, if there's nobody you can talk to about this, I have a phone number for you. I'm not sure where you are located, but this is to a help hotline located in Youngstown, Ohio that I called about a year and a half ago and did sporatically until recently when all of my problems on the inside had gone away. (What's the miracle cure? I can't tell you right now because I am going through it and any slip-ups cost me more money.) But until I am able to tell you that, here's the number you should call: 330-747-2696. If you call, I would suggest calling Wednesday around noon (EST) and ask to speak with Beth. (That's about the time she's there and they never tell you exactly when they are there.) Also, if you do speak with Beth, tell her Jon in Nevada sent you. If you do not get Beth, that's okay. Any one of them will be able to talk to you, and if there is a lot you need to say, they should give you up to about 1.5 hours, but don't hold me to that. I know when I talked to Beth, I spilled my guts out to her, and she listened to me. She should do the same things with you. :-) Other then that, I'm not sure what to say. We're all different and I'm glad some nincompoop isn't getting on here saying "Just get over it!" Well, it's never that easy, is it? But anyways, I hope my suggestion will help you ease some pain and fruatration inside of you. :-)
@buenavida (9985)
• Sweden
4 Jun 08
This sounds like a difficult case and may need professional help, but you could read the discussion that I started long ago and got many interesting answers: http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/478387.aspx There are so many ways to come over depression and we are different personalities, but the simple solution that helped me, could help most people. .....
• China
3 Jun 08
your depression last for a long time. i suggest you talk with you psychologist about it.or it may lead to a serious consequense. in your problem,if i were you,i would give up this relationship,it may be hurt.but once love dispeared,the relationship has changed.it isn't the origin one,it may hurt you hardly in following days.
@okwusman1 (2247)
• Abuja, Nigeria
4 Jun 08
i advice that you try and make yourself happy, being depressed can lead to so many ailments which could be fatal at the end. so be yourself take solace in the lord and embrace the word of God. God is our refuge and He is friend that closer than a brother or sister. Read the word of God is you are a chrisian otherwise talk to somebody in your area and stop staying alone. meet with your doctor to know the best medication you need but don't comprise, be yourself. i am praying for you and your baby. cheers, smile !!!.
@cher8558 (425)
• Canada
3 Jun 08
Hi hope, My heart goes out to you darling. I have been on anti-depressants most of my life (I am 47). I am giving you my hotmail address and I want you to talk to me. Luckily I had a wonderful family behind me and talking does help. I am a great listener. I am also a night owl for sure. I am usually on here until 3 /4 in the morning. So please lets have a chat cheryl_little1@hotmail.com Talk to you soon. Love Cheryl
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
4 Jun 08
Okay one thing I noticed is you said he is the ONLY one there for you....your daughter is there for you. Honestly, I do not live your life, but if it was me...I'd say if he is a depressive person as well and you are in a depression, how is that going to work? Work on your own happiness. With your daughter. And maybe the meds aren't working because it's not just depression...have you tried other forms of therapy besides meds? the only hting that comes to mind is....how can you find someone who truly loves you if you do not truly love yourself....and I am sure that you do. It's just life is getting more and more complicated as we grow older.
@freedomg (1684)
• United States
3 Jun 08
Please call your doctor. I have been in a place a lot like where you are and I promise it's not really as bad as it feels. You need help to straighten out your meds. And you need to eat. Being malnourished will mess with your body's ability to sort out the chemicals you need. Also find people to talk to. I've sent you a friend request and have strong shoulders. If that's not for you then 211 have a counselor on call 24/7 and they are great listeners if you just need to vent.
• United States
4 Jun 08
I have had issues with depression so I do understand it.My thoughts for you are to evaluate if you truly love this guy or if you need him.There is a difference,ask yourself if your heart skips a beat when you see him smile,do you wish you could cuddle with him all the time,things like that if the answer is no I would think your issue with him is more a ned on your part then love.I won't even get into where he could possibly be coming from him being depressed is no excuse for cheating,maybe what he is feeling isn't love on his part but a need.Either way I think the severity of your depression is going to hinge on you figuring this part out.Your daughter is going to make you stronger no matter what because she loves you .If you could figure out what you really want or need with this guy and then come to a decision to stay with him or not I think your depression may lift some enough for you to focus on the other ways of making yourself btter.I also agree with another poster here he/she said that some meds can cause some of these symptoms you might want to look into thart to by finding out the side effects of each medication you are on. Good luck to you,and I am here to listen should you need a friend,I am online often and I have only recently discovered this site I am on it whenever I am not at work God Bless Jas
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
3 Jun 08
I would say find a good health food store like Nutters and ask what's good for depression. The natural remedies are so much better for you. As far as the boyfriend you will have to make that decission. You know if it's a good or bad idea, you just have to apply the right choice and it's always eazy for everyone else to say leave him. Please just remember your decission has to be what's best for your daughter as well, she has and will be there for you much longer than anyone else so treat her right. I'd be either in hell or a basket case without my daughter, trust me. Good luck and Take Care. (((BIG HUGS)))
@patms1 (521)
• United States
3 Jun 08
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE get professional help. I to went though a deep, deep depression so I know what you are talking about. I just reread you letter and I have to say that if many of your friends are depressed maybe there is something in your environment that is causing the problem. If you work with these people maybe you should have your company test the air quality. In the mean time talk to your doctor and ask to start seeing a professional. It was the only thing that helped me. Look I am not an expert on love so I will not give advice for that but maybe its time you started thinking about yourself. I have a spinal injury so I know how bad the pain can be. I have found the Advil works the best. As for the sleep disorder have you tried the Breath Right strips you put on your nose? They are wonderful. I found I did not need as much medicine and slept much better. Again please get help. Good Luck
• India
3 Jun 08
just indulge yourself in some sort of work.!!!! keep yourself busy you will get the change
3 Jun 08
Your story touched me deeply and I think you are a wonderful person.I think you have too much going on right now.Take time to think about your daughter,just put 5 minutes aside and think about what she means to you.The funny things she does and says.This will put a smile on your face and make you feel better.Remember,you do not own anyone and noone owns you,so no one has the right to make you feel bad unless you let them. It is a good thought to note that if someone is truly for you,they will not depress you. You are depending on someone who has put down your family,to me that is a deep insult.They do not have the right to involve your family in a bad way. You deserve better,if you let him go,remember,you have your daughter,think of your prince as being on his way,do not under estimate the power of wishing.You will get through this! Let me know if you want to talk further
@naaadh (217)
• United States
3 Jun 08
Many others are having problems like yours and in some cases its worst. But my advice for you is that you only are responsible for your health. What usually happens is when you get depressed you stop eating and spend your time worrying. Later you wont have energy and you will start to lose health. By the time you realise that you have to get up on your feet it will be too late. So the best thing to do is keep eating on time, exercise well, do something to keep you busy. Then you will have energy to think about life and get a nice start. Dont over sleep. Wake early, do your stretching, have coffee and then bring the house down. I mean like, its your life, and your gonna live it only once. And estimated average human life span is 60 to 100 i think every second counts. Cheer up and take good care. hope i made a difference in your life ;)
@selece (2357)
• Philippines
3 Jun 08
I guess there's no easy way out. You have to be brave enough to endure everything. You can do it if you really have the heart to do so. Analyze the situation, you should take care of yourself. If something isn't good for you, then avoid it. You know what would do you worse or what would do you better. Even if it is easier said than done, I hope you do keep that in mind. You are smart in your own terms and you know what is right from wrong, you know what's best for you. I hope you get better soon. In this case, what really makes a person sick is the heart... the machine and medications are just secondary. I hope you get better soon, maam... If you need someone to talk to, or a friend... I'm just right here. And all the people here in myLot. God bless.