Children/Social Life

United States
June 3, 2008 9:51am CST
I have been a stay at home mom for about 4 1/2 years now. Since I've quit partying I have no friends. I go to church but still haven't found one. I was wondering if there was someone that needed a friend too. I have a total of 5 children, 4 stay home with me. 2 go to school. I get lonely, yes I'm married but we all know about men, right? We love them but..... Anyone want to talk email and get to know each other... I don't want to sound hard up (which I probably do) but a honest, trustworthly friend would be awesome to have...
1 response
@bontheka (65)
• Hong Kong
3 Jun 08
Hi Susanz9, I have been a stay at home mum since my eldest boy was born in Sept 2004. I have a second child who was born in Aug 2006. He was born a month after we moved to Hong Kong, where we are currently residing. I had lived in Hong Kong prior to moving back here so had some friends here for support. However, I soon realised that I wasn't going to see these friends of mine often. Hong Kong isn't a big place but these friends of mine all lived about an hour's journey from me and they were either working or studying and led busy lives of their own. So, I decided that I needed to meet other mummies with kids. I registered myself on some expat websites and soon started meeting other mummies. After awhile, we managed to form a playgroup, and we often meet up at each others' homes and let the kids play while we enjoy cakes, coffees/teas and a good chat. The thing is, most families here employ foreign domestic helpers to help out with the household chores and to help look after the kids. My husband and I decided we weren't going to, so it's not always easy for me although hubby does help whenever he can. The kids keep me busy, and of course there's always tons of housework, although I admit, I'm also a bit of an internet addict. Anyway, if you want someone to write to, send me a message here, and I will give you my email address. Take care.