Do you tell anyone you are trying?

United States
June 4, 2008 10:49am CST
We are TTC now and I have told a couple of my friends but other than that we don't tell at all. Do you tell anyone that you are trying to have a baby?
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4 responses
@guss2000 (2232)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I guess I tell my best friend, but probably no one else. I really want to be TTC'ing right now, but we have to wait a bit longer, and BF wants us to be married first (I can understand all that, and I appreciate that he wants us to be right first) BUT I want a baby!! WAHHHH!! (that's me crying... LOL)
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• United States
23 Jun 08
I think that sounds good but sometimes the wait seems like FOREVER!! I hope you can get married soon :)
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@guss2000 (2232)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Me too, but really I dont care if we are married before I have another baby. Technically, up until a bit ago I was taking care of my son by myself mostly anyway with my ex-husband. I just don't want the wait to be forever for us to try, and then me to be too old ;(
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Jun 08
Yeah, I think getting older I think about that too. I know people do have babies later in life but I don't want to be finshed and then start over again. I also haven't needed help so far and hope not to.
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@bontheka (65)
• Hong Kong
4 Jun 08
I don't think we did with the first one when we were actively trying, and with the second one it was more of an 'oops'. Now we're thinking of trying for a 3rd, and I have told some friends about it. The thing is, if it doesn't happen, then you can get support from friends who are aware of your situation. I would say, just confide in a small group of friends, so you don't have everyone coming up to you every month and doing a nudge, nudge, wink, wink!
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Jun 08
I completely agree with that. I think that's why I did tell a couple friends. They don't harrass me like I know our families would be.
• Hong Kong
5 Jun 08
Good luck and I hope you will let us know when there's some good news.
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• United States
6 Jun 08
Thank you :) I will do.
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
10 Jun 08
I don't think we told anyone we were trying, we just tried & when it finally happened, we told people that we were pregnant. I don't really think anyone needs to know if we're trying or not because they always seem to look disappointed when you tell them you're trying but obviously haven't managed to conceive yet. My Mum knew when i had my implant removed but she didn't know whether we'd actually started trying to conceive or not - just that the implant was coming out & so if we fell pregnant then we'd let them all know.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
6 Jun 08
My husband and I are TTC too. I have told a few people, but I kinda like to keep it to myself. I've told a few people that I wish I hadn't now too. I get nagged about how it's going all the time and asked overly personal questions and all that stuff. You probably know what I'm talking about. I feel like the more people you tell, the more people are in your business and it takes away from the intimacy of it and the special feeling that you and your husband should be feeling, you know? It's already stressful enough to be trying let alone having people giving you pointers and all that. Ha ha. Good luck to you guys and I hope it happens for you soon!
• United States
6 Jun 08
Yes, it gets so stressful when people are asking every month and inspecting your midsection like you will be 8 months along right away. It also gets a little sad after a couple months of not getting pregnant. Good luck to you too!