Which would you prefer?

@neelygal (1022)
June 6, 2008 11:00am CST
Would you rather be very attractive with no friends or unattractive and have lots of friends?I would prefer to be unattractive and have no lots of friends.Explain your response.
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10 responses
@celia4evr (209)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Unfortunately I suffer from being attractive and not having many friends. I noticed this problem when I started high school. Alot of the other women were intimidated and distanced themselves fro me. I'm one of the most sincere people you'd ever meet, so I'm sure it's not my personality. What's destined to be will be!
@naseeha (1382)
• India
7 Jun 08
I guess thats because they feel jealous of your attractiveness.
@kbourgerie (8780)
• United States
7 Jun 08
I know its not a very nice thing to say, but I'd rather be attractive and have few friends. I wouldn't like to be looked at differently because people found me repugnant in any way. I've never had that many friends regardless, many acquaintances, but few friends.
@bfarrier1 (2082)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Well I have bothbut if I have to choose it would have to be unattractive with friends as life would be pretty boring without friends and I love all my friends and hope to make even more by mylotting.Have a great evening.
@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
6 Jun 08
I had rather have lots of friends, because what good is having looks if you have no life?
@naseeha (1382)
• India
7 Jun 08
I too would prefer to be unattractive and have a lot of friends. I feel that having friends is something which is not a direct consequence of your external beauty. A good friend sees your mind and not your looks So if i have a lot of friends it is clear that i am a good person at heart and my friends love me for that. Having many friends is likely to make me happy and peaceful.
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
7 Jun 08
i would rather have more good friends who i can trust . because without friends life can suck . Just try and live it up with the best company . I keep thinking how bad looking tho. ah, beauty is really in the eye of the beholder? eh? have a good one !!
• United States
6 Jun 08
I would have to say that I would rather be unattractive and have a lot of friends. Life would be very lonely without friends and I would think it wouldn't be very much fun. Who would you laugh with? Who would you cry with? Who would you turn to for advice? It doesn't sound worth it to me.
@INGA832 (1114)
• Russian Federation
6 Jun 08
It's very difficult question for me. I guess it's better to have a lot of friends. It's great when you have people whom you can rely on. And many people say that I'm attractive person and I have a lot of friends.
• Singapore
6 Jun 08
i have friends too but limited but more than in secondary school. now i'm in polytechnic. and i have more friends in 1 month than friends in 5 secondary school years.
• United States
6 Jun 08
I think that I would rather be attractive and have no friends because as long as I am confident with myself, I can make new friends alot easier than changing my looks to become more attractive. Sorry for being so shallow but that's the way I feel.