Bisexuals ,I need your help.

United States
June 11, 2008 3:10am CST
On the View yesterday the ladies were discussing a study that found that gay couples fight/argue in a kinder way than straight couples.Whoopi didn't think so and the other ladies thought so.I wasn't sure. So can you tell me, with which gender did you have the meanest fight/argument?Thanks for your help.
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4 responses
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
11 Jun 08
Im not bi.. I'm gay. But I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents anyways :p My partner and I never fight. People look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them that but its true. In 6 years I think we have had 2 "fights" and I wouldnt even call them fights... more like... I'm grumpy and sensitive LOL. If something upsets me enough, I will get it off my chest, he apologizes, then we move on. (LOL I have him trained well.) My partner does not get mad. I have never seen the guy get mad, ever. So that means one of two things... either one, I'm perfect and he could never get mad at me (I'm sure this is it) - or two, hes just one of those people who dosent get mad. I would have to agree with the ladies on the view with this one. When I see/hear about the straight couples I know fight - its pretty explosive. I think thats mostly because the differences in between a male and a female are ALOT more dramatic than the differences between two males. My relationship has the benifit of a partner who has the mind of a man... so we usually agree on most things. Thats not to say that my relationship is better than straight couples... we are just more likely to see eye to eye, and thus, fight less.
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• United States
12 Jun 08
I am straight so I am an outsider looking in but I always thought gay couples had better communication because they are the same gender and they are on the same wavelength.You two sound like an old married couple. that is great. A man who doesn't get mad? Wow. I am almost the complete opposite, I have a hair trigger temper.If I got with a man who didn't get angry,two things would happen, One he would go insane or I would wind up killing him.Thanks for your response.
@Tianna2 (1273)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I've never really thought about it but I would guess that my arguements with men have been louder and more viscous then with other women. In fact I dont think I've ever really argued with any of the women I've been with but then, I've spent a lot more time with men too, so that might figure into it also. Yours truly, Tianna
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• United States
12 Jun 08
Thank you for your response.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
11 Jun 08
Hhmm I'd have to say men...but I never really fought or argued with the women in my life ya know..AND having the background that I do I'm far more inclined to go into a hyperdefensive rage with a guy than with a woman..I've never seen women as a threat but growing up the way I did men were a constant threat and danger to me..Make sense? Off the top of my head though I would have to say that I SOMEWHAT agree that gay couples are slightly kinder during fights BUT I dont think thats the way it is with ALL g/l couples just like full blown battles arent always the case with hetero couples ya know..
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• United States
11 Jun 08
Thank you for your response.I am straight so I thought my view would be a guess. I thought that women and men argue in different ways that can really make a bad argument worse.So I thought a woman-woman argument would be bad but not as heated as man-woman bouts.
• India
11 Jun 08
Well now, i normally have fight with my husband, well thats the marital issues. But besides that, i never found myself fighting with any man in my past, whether it be brother or a old bf, or a freind...who ever..but i sledom fight with my mom, sis, female frendz and im more and always fighting with the same gender....
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