Do you know about the free blog creation?

June 11, 2008 10:55am CST
To create a blog to put information of your interest google gives you place to create blog your interested title and placing information it by "".I think this information is helpful to you.
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3 responses
@pitstop (13106)
• India
11 Jun 08
There are several sites which give a free blog for you to blog away, but blogger is probably the most famous of them all - fairly easy to use too!
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
11 Jun 08
Interesting. I think there is several places where you can create a blog for free. Personally I don't have the time to create and maintain one. Although it would be nice as a money making opportunity.
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@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
11 Jun 08
Yes I have 4 blogs with blogger but I am getting ready to transfer them to my own domain. Most places charge you for your own domain but I was referred to a site that gives you a domain name for free and allows you to transfer your blogger blogs to the new domain. Here are my 4 blogs with blogger: I haven't updated them in a while because I really haven't had the time but I am trying to make the time. :)