How many of you have a family members living with you?

United States
June 11, 2008 9:02pm CST
I have a wife and two kids, my sister is living with us for a year. She is in financial crisis and wants to save up her money and pay off her bills. So instead of renting an apartment and pay rents we decided to have her pay us instead. She is staying in the first floor family room not so private but it's a room. If she's giving us an extra $400 buck a month heck why not let her stay sacrifice a room we don't hardly use. Do you have a close family member that live with you?
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4 responses
• United States
12 Jun 08
About 5 years ago, we bought a house with my parents (on purpose! LOL) and a couple years later my sister got a divorce and moved in....LOL, So we are one big happy. My sister's children are here half time and honestly, they are the biggest source of stress, because their parents are messed up (pitting one another against the other to the detriment of the children and causing drama for everyone) but for the most part, it works out well. When my sister moved in, I had three children and the baby's room became her room and it was tough for a while. We ended up buying a bigger house (in the country- so it really did work out very well) and now there is room for everyone... My sister has some physical disabilities/chronic health issues so I can't see her moving out, although she says she is going to... I can't stop her and don't want to stop her, but she is not a very mature person and, at the ripe "old" age of nearly 31, she's not learned a whole lot of life I don't know what the future holds for her... but yes... we, for the most part, love having family under the same roof...I did tell you it is a very large roof, right? LOL...things are much improved with more space for everyone to do their own thing. MUCH better! Good luck to your sister!
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• United States
12 Jun 08
Thanks, we initially told her she can stay for 4 months. After the 4 months ended she was getting ready to move out but we sat down and talked. We kind of getting use to having her around the house and though if she is going to pay for rent why not pay us instead. We all benefited she have more extra to pay her bill, and we have extra coming in to help pays for our bills. So, that's how it came about.
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@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
13 Jun 08
Thankfully i don't have anyone here other than myself, partner & our daughter! I have had people stay with us for short periods of time (like my brother is law - he was here for 6 weeks). We would never ask $100 USD a week to stay though, especially if we were trying to help someone to get themselves financially stable before they left. I think it's great you're helping her out but the $400 a month seems a little steep. I guess it's just coz we're in different countries & things work a bit different but i don't think i'd ask that much, especially if it's a family member who needs your help to be getting their bills sorted. I'd be more inclined to get them to do things around the place to cover their stay, baby sitting, cooking, cleaning etc - that way they're still being helpful without having to hand over the hard earned money they need to get themselves out of debt. Just my thoughts though, different things work for different people & i guess she wouldn't be paying it if she wasn't happy to do so!
@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
24 Jun 08
My Mother lives with us. Of course she does not pay rent (she didn't make me pay all of those years). I think it is good for the kids to be around her as they grow up.
• United States
12 Jun 08
I'm living with my parents until I get married. My fiancee is living here too because the rent around here is outragous. My sister and her husband are here with us too until they can find a good place to live. We all split the utilities but basically live rent free. I love being around my family because I know I won't see them much after I'm married.
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