Hey Guys, Firefox 3 is released

Firefox 3 released - Mozilla Firefox 3
June 18, 2008 1:37am CST
Hi there, The new web browser Mozilla Firefox version 3 has been released!! What's your views on it! Waiting for your comments guys!
11 responses
@sdas86 (6076)
• Malaysia
18 Jun 08
Hi, It is great to hear that. I have not download Firefox 3 because I want to wait and see what are users going to say about it. If there are a lot of negative comments, then it will be better not to download it.
• India
18 Jun 08
there are few negative comments! you had a good choice about that, but please download the setup atleast, its a request!!
@sdas86 (6076)
• Malaysia
19 Jun 08
Hi, Ok, no problem.
@ashly1979 (1376)
• United States
18 Jun 08
ARE YOU SERIOUS? My B/F tried it once, and he said that they hadn't released it yet, that when he downloaded it, it was just a trial service thingy. Is it really for real ready now to download?
• India
18 Jun 08
ya, that true, its released just today! Try it our its awesome one
@ashly1979 (1376)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I got it! And it is awesome to have! I gave the word to my b/f and everybody that uses the computer to download it, LOL. So, they'll get a kick out of the new browser of Firefox. lol Thanks for the info. :)
@eXxodus (204)
• United States
20 Jun 08
I just got it yesterday, and I really like it. So far, I haven't seen many differences to FF 2, except the smoother interface and the address bar drop-down menu. I love Firefox, and FF 3 certainly hasn't let me down.
• India
20 Jun 08
The new firefox 3 has many new features, but it takes some time for us to discover to it!! the new browser has great tabs, and the back and forward buttons, and all most all the features are too awesome!!!
@snowy22315 (174707)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I have not downloaded it yet although i will soon be able to talk to you about it as I plan on downloading it later today. It sounds like it has some interesting features to it.
• India
19 Jun 08
good idea, try it soon and then we will talk soon if possible!!
• Indonesia
18 Jun 08
really? have you try it? i must try it.
• India
18 Jun 08
Yip, i've tried it, and its better than the previous one i that all i can say, I think i will have to discover more new things in this new version! Hope you'll try it soon,better try it now , its necessary to set a record, goto spreadfirefox.com for more details!!
• Indonesia
18 Jun 08
Breaking World Record..be participated!
@luisln01 (43)
• United States
20 Jun 08
I believe FireFox 3 is the best browser created! Well all Mozilla's products are good. But yeah, I'm currently running on it right now and I love it. Oh yeah, and you guys can also download it from download.com. It's safe and fast.
• India
20 Jun 08
Yup! The new browser is awesome, and i just love using it, Now i will promote it to all my friends and relatives, and even others whom i meet!!
@Lightlord (378)
• Greece
10 Jul 08
Ok after almost 4 weeks of testing and active browsing with Firefox 3 I would say it's a great piece of software and I recommend it to everyone here. The web page rendering is much better, the wait time for sent and received rquests to the web servers is lower than ever, and the new options are great, the best new option by my opinion is Undo close tab which wasn't available on Firefox 2 and it's very useful.
@mtsandeep (1586)
• India
20 Jun 08
I downloaded it and now i am trying it on. I downloaded it on the download day, to create a guiness record for the most downloaded software in 24 hours. Firefox is now the secure browser available. I haven't yet found much difference in the new firefox3 yet. can anyone tell me about its features..
• Indonesia
18 Jun 08
Yeah Mozilla Firefox 3 has been released..Cool stuff with new design n efficient browser..congrats for Firefox team! *cheers
• India
18 Jun 08
Soon we'll see how cool is that, if we do not encounter any bugs!! Thanks for the reply!!
@dpj1000 (20)
20 Jun 08
i try it i also started dicussions on its addons . its really cool add ons and with great security now firefox 3 is more secure than 2. it also has some problems , I resolved some of them. if you have any post here your problem
• India
14 Jul 08
I did not feel nice about firefox3 when I opened through address bar it is going to the all unnecessary things like recent documents, system files etc..so, I suddenly shud down and I make using before version.