Are you affected peoples comments about you?

June 26, 2008 10:46am CST
There are some people who are affected about comments about him or her. He or she worried to recieved negative comments. I know negative things will shape you more.
4 responses
@wrangel15 (1443)
• Philippines
26 Jun 08
All of us desire to be wanted. And we don't want being hated/unwanted as we want to be wanted. This makes us feel upset when we receive negative comments from others. Negative comments makes us feel unwanted. In what I've learned from a human relations book, people who receive encouragements instead of receiving negative comments improve more. If you are encouraged, the possibility is you improve more on your actions but when you are criticized, there's a chance of being discouraged on you doing things. Giving criticisms can change a person but it can make him/her resentful while making improvements. Giving an encouragement will make him improve without hurting his/her feelings.
• Philippines
26 Jun 08
Comments from people can really affect you either negatively or positively. Not always that negative comments can shape a person because it all depends on how he/she takes the comment. If the comment is taken constructively then better but if otherwise it can ruin a person life. A friend told me that we should not MIND more the negative things thrown to us because IT WONT REALLY HELP US, it would just lessen our self-esteem. But sometimes we really need negative comments and take it positively in order for us to grow, to learn and to improve and be better as an individual.
• United States
26 Jun 08
It is none of my business what others think of me. I live my life the best I can..try to be positive. Yet..I AM human and will make mistakes. I try to learn form them and not repeat them? That's life! Nope..couldn't care less what people think. If they say something negative, I am thinking, " there something I forgot to pick up at the store?" LOL! Their thoughts are not mine. I couldn't care less. I don't bother others..I am not going to let them bother me or effect my life with negative comments. If they do not like me or agree wiht a statement I make..there's the door? They were free to come in. They are free to go back on out.(I am honest. But from my own, positive perspective. There's is free to be different. I don't worry over it.) Do your best...that's what it's about. Distance from negative and non-supportive people! Works for me!
@bontheka (65)
• Hong Kong
26 Jun 08
If someone says something negative to me, I usually try and explain or justify if I think I'm right, but I won't simply go on the defensive. It however does upset me very much and I find that I can't easily forget what's been said. I am usually very thoughtful towards others and although I may say hurtful things in anger to those closest to me (usually my family), I am very controlled in what I say to friends and strangers, so negative comments from others hurts me a great deal.