University Life, A total different!!

June 28, 2008 1:13pm CST
When I entered my college.t is my very first time to attend on a University. When I said total different, it really means it. Maybe the reason behind that the crowd was really huge and that gave me a headache. I don't evenknow where to go. Since it was a big school. And not only that I have to commute in going to school. A toatal change of environment for me. It took me a year before I got used to it. I even had a cough and colds for almost 3 months. Because of the smokes and heat I encountered for the first time of my life. There, I learned how to balance my time in going to school. Imagine almost 1 hr of travel, not to include the traffic during rainy days where vehicles are bumper to bumper. The worst ever experience of my life.
2 responses
• China
22 Jul 08
No matter what bad luck and how terrible the first day you entered the unvirsity, I will believe that day will keep in your mind for ever and you will treasure this piece of memory forever. It is important to keep balance in distributing in entertaiment and study. Because you will regret if you didn't work hard enough in your college-life. Wish you a good luck in your college life!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
You are right in there one has to know how to balance his/her time. college are stepping stone towardsare future. Coz we are the one making it. Thanx so much for the response.
1 person likes this
• China
11 Jul 08
Yes. University life is different. The first day I went into my university, I got very disappointed too, because I knew nobody there and I didn't have enough money with me. And the first half year was really difficult. I didn't know where to earn my daily expenses and so life was hard for me. Then the next half year, I began to get used to it and I began to earn some money. Then life got better. I even began to enjoy spending time in the library. Actually the college years are the best years of my life till now, though I didn't notice it at all at that time.
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Thanx for the comment. Colege is feally different. But sometimes we never knew that universuty life is also enjoyable.God Bless!!