Which day of the week you like?

June 29, 2008 4:32am CST
Hello! It's weekend so everybody is on the house relaxing with the family. Is Sunday or Saturday your favorite day of the week? Why do you think so? I just got curious because someone on the tv noontime show that I am watching asked their co-host what's her favorite day of the week? Since she lived from another country she said it's Saturday because it's the time she called her family and home and miss them so much. I guess depending on your situation where you are now your favorite day of the week will change from time to time. For me Saturday is also a day I like for week because you still have a Sunday, a dayoff and you just finished a whole week of work. Saturday is like easy day where you can party all night Friday and take a rest Saturday. Monday is dreadful because it's the start of a long weekdays. So, what do you think?
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89 responses
@prasanta (1948)
• India
19 Jul 08
Sunday is my favourite day in the week. This is the only day when I get little rest.
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• Philippines
20 Jul 08
Hello prasanta, A little rest is fine. Try squeezing more resttime on this day. Have a good day.
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• Philippines
2 Jul 08
My favorite day is always a Saturday even if I have school on that day.Ever since,it has been that way for me.
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• Philippines
8 Jul 08
No.I was born on a Monday.Weird cause I hate Mondays.
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• Philippines
8 Jul 08
Hello kat_princess, Maybe if Monday is a holiday, you will like it?
• Philippines
4 Jul 08
Hello kat_princess, Maybe because you are born on Satuday.
@joyangz32 (322)
• Netherlands
30 Jun 08
I like friday afternoon because it's the end of the whole week hard work and it's the beginning of the weekend. I don't worry about things to be done. I think only it's weekend and it's time to relax and have a good time.
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• Philippines
1 Jul 08
Hello joyangz32, That's god. I do like Friday too, but once in while something will come up on Friday and I need to provide an update at the end of the day which makes it dreadful sometimes.
• Netherlands
30 Jun 08
Thank God it's friday(TGIF)
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@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
1 Jul 08
hello robert, my favorite day would be weekend. my hubby work all day though he works at home, a work to him is really a work and there is no playing around coz he have so many responsibility and deadlines. the only time we can really sleep late (ok we usually wakes up almost 9am but still LOL) until noon and just hand in bed and hug and talked non-sense and then go out and enjoy the day doing whatever. also sometimes we do a short travel and he will show me places that we both dont know or the place he's been and i havent been so it is a lot of fun. if it's not so hot outside we get a chance to spend it with our dog so it is like a huge fun time. weekdays are always busy days for him and most of the time we only talked at night time specially if he have over time (home work LOL) i wished the day off's are 3 days in a week so it kinda balance it all, haha! i dont work but weekdays are always a busy day for me doing whatever i feel like doing but most of the time it is cleaning or doing scrap. have a good one!
• Philippines
4 Jul 08
Hello jairgirl, I also would like to bring my hubby on places that I been but she seems not interested so I'll just keep it to myself. Good thing you can kept yourself busy all weekdays.
@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
9 Jul 08
that's very interesting, how did you know she is not interested on it? maybe she doesnt know the reason behind you enjoying it and you wanting to share it with her. anyway, it is always great to be together maybe if you can make it a twist of making such trip enjoyable in her taste it will be more fun- who knows. btw, yea i have my own ways of amusing my self and keep my self busy in a day LOL takecare
30 Jun 08
I don't have a favourite day of the week as my work pattern means that my 2 days off every week change so my favourite day is whichever two I have off that week!! lol
• Philippines
30 Jun 08
Hello frankiecesca, It seems exciting to have a different day off than everybody else.
• Philippines
1 Jul 08
That's true. For weekdays our work schedule is about 9 hours and that's a long working hour plus five days, it's really long.
30 Jun 08
I prefe it this way as when it's mid week and everybody else is working it's nice and quiet if I want to go shopping! Plus the mondya - Friday week that I do do every third week is torture - it drags so much!! lol
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@msedge (4011)
• United States
2 Jul 08
I like Sunday because its our rest day and our whole family are all at home resting or sometimes we all go out together.Its the only time that we all together because for now Saturday is a busy day for us until our business opens.
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• Philippines
4 Jul 08
Hello msedge, It's still good to have at least one day for rest and for family.
@msedge (4011)
• United States
6 Jul 08
Yeah, you are right robert!Thats why we are trying to have Sunday to be our family day no matter how busy we are.
1 person likes this
• United States
30 Jun 08
I was born on a Friday, so I naturally love Fridays. In fact, it was a Friday that my boyfriend told me that he loved me. I guess Fridays are just great days for me.
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• Philippines
30 Jun 08
Hello rogue13xmen13, I agree, even your number on your name agree (13). Is that a coincidence?
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• United States
1 Jul 08
It might be. All I know is that everything great that happens to me, always happens on a Friday.
@anaknitatay (1335)
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
I like Sunday because that is the day i can kick back and relax. Have a nice day.
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• Philippines
30 Jun 08
Hello anaknitatay, Looks like you have a lot to kick back at.
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• Philippines
2 Jul 08
not exactly, but i am so busy most of the time that if I don't at least try to have some downtime I might probaby die of exhaustion.
• India
10 Feb 09
I like Saturday and sunday very much, bcoz i like to enjoy of my holidays at home with family and friends. I like everyday but more as compare to other days i like sat and sundays. I enjoy get to gether with friends. I enjoy with family and join small parties and eat lunch with all. Also enjoy shoppings on sunday at Malls and Departments,
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• Philippines
31 Mar 09
Hello rakeshlalwani, That's very good. We usually spend Saturday and Sunday at the house. After too much traveling during the weekdays, it's about time to spend the weekend leisurely at home. Thanks and it's great that you have time to enjoy your day off very well.
@bieke81 (1067)
• Belgium
30 Jun 08
My favourite day is Friday, the last day before the weekend. I'm a stay at home mum and on the weekends every one is home, so friday is the last day of peace and quiet LOL I also do all my shopping on friday, and I love shopping, so that's the second reason why it's my favourite day. And the third reason is: friday evening is date night in our family. When the kids are of to bed, we do something special, just the two of us, a romantic movie, listening to music, something like that, if we have a babysitter, we go out to see a movie or something.
• Philippines
1 Jul 08
Hello bieke81, Friday is really special day for you. I hope you still able to wake up late Saturday morning.
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@bieke81 (1067)
• Belgium
1 Jul 08
Nope, I'm not able to do that. My two sons are still young, and they wake up between 7 and 8 each morning, also on weekends. So I need to get up really early (for me). At least I can sleep in on Sundays and it's my husband that get's up that day.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
29 Jun 08
I would have to say my favorite day of the week is Saturday because that means its the weekend,and theres more fun things to do,even though I also like Sunday because it is a good day to relax,and it also means most people do not have to work.
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• United States
1 Jul 08
Yeah I agree on Sunday there always is that cloud that says Monday is almost there,and right now me and my fiance are having trouble finding a job due to high gas prices,so we are making as much money on mylot,so that way we can survive,have a great day,good luck in your life,and Happy Posting.
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@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
30 Mar 09
i like friday because its end on the week and its family time again
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• Philippines
31 Mar 09
Hello bombshell, Yeah! Thanks God it's really Friday. You feel relax even though you lot of things to do because you are thinking of the coming day off from work and more on family time. Thanks and have a great weekend.
@Wizzywig (7847)
29 Jun 08
My work hours include weekends so I don't have a specific favourite. I suppose I choose it retrospectively each week as to what WAS the best day as opposed to what I think WILL be.
• Philippines
29 Jun 08
Hello Wizzywig, Maybe you have at least one rest day? That's a good way to make it your day.
@Wizzywig (7847)
29 Jun 08
I usually know a week or so in advance which will be my working days and I guess every day, working or not, has the potential to be a favourite. This week just gone, I worked Sunday and Tuesday - and Sunday was my favourite for this week 'cos the rest of it has been taken up with stuff I'd rather not have been doing.
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@jheLaichie (4438)
• Philippines
3 May 09
when friday is fast approaching.. i know, again im going to have my rest day... i got work on weekdays and only on saturdays and sundays i could give more time with my family and my fiance... so friday, saturday and sunday are my best days.. :)
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• Philippines
6 Jun 09
[i]Hello jheLaichie, That's true. It's good you spend very well with your family these three days. Regards.[/i]
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
29 Aug 08
My favorite day of the week is Sundays. I don't do anything on Sundays but lay around and be lazy. Or I work on the computer all day, in mylot posting. I don't always get dressed on Sundays, just lazy around in my pajamas. I do wash up but don't bother to get dressed if I am not going anywhere. My most unfavourable day of the week is Tuesdays because that is the day we, my dighter and I, work the hardest. We clean houses for a living, selfemployed, and on Tuesdays we have 6 house to clean so it is a tough day. Most people hate Mondays but I don't have a problem with mondays since it is our easiest day of the week, with only 3 houses to clean. We purposely made Monday and Fridays the easy days so we can have a good weekend and not worry about work on Monday.
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• Philippines
30 Aug 08
[i]Hello christlotz, That's a very good plan you have keeping some work days light. That's one advantage of being self employed and/or own your own business. It's also good to get lazy once in a while it make you want to work more. Regards.[/i]
10 Feb 09
I like sundays to be my favourite day as it eases you from your daily routine. It's a change from the weekdays. You are in a holiday mood on sundays with your family. You feel like doing something different than the regular days.Even the cooking and eating routine also changes. You try to do something different than the rest of days. You feel relaxed . You get motivated to spend the whole next week happily. Mondays are little boring as the same routine follows for a week.
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• Philippines
31 Mar 09
Hello cyberpark, It is really a holiday on sundays. It's only the day of the week that you notice that time pass by very fast. The rest of the days, times pass very slowly. Have a good and enjoy your Sunday.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
4 Jan 09
For me that would have to be friday because it represents the end of a long week of work and the beginning of the weekend.I hate mondays too because it respresents the reverse of friday,a along weekday of working and the end of the weekend
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• Philippines
21 Jan 09
[i]Hello ronnyb, Yes, Friday is really a good day to wait on. Your mind is already set on the coming weekend and you feel more relax. I hope it is not so stressful with you when Monday is about to come. Regards.[/i]
@mtata23 (354)
• India
7 Nov 08
sunday is a day for family gathering, relaxation, spend time with children as well as elders, a rest day as we usually we dine out, but saturday is a high hectic day of the week for me as I do all the outside home jobs some which have been pending for more than 1 month. As I am writing I remember I have to get new cassettes and head cleaner form my camcorder. Noted down. Has to be done this saturday.
• Philippines
8 Jan 09
[i]Hello mtata23, It looks like Sunday it is. I am having a new schedule this year and so my like day will change. Regards. [/i]
• India
4 Jan 09
i like sunday the day of rest relax and sleep after a toiling week of work and commitment a feel good being at home
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• Philippines
21 Jan 09
[i]Hello yoursonlyurs, It is really good just staying at home for at least a day after those hard work at the office. It invigorates you for another week of work. Thanks.[/i]
• India
10 Feb 09
I love Sunday its the only day when I get some rest from my work and I can have some fun and relax.... Nice discussion robert..
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• Philippines
31 Mar 09
Hello deepak1q2w3e, I think a day of rest for fun and relaxation is just fine. I hope you don't insert any work on that day. Thanks,