how can i save electricity??need help here..

June 30, 2008 1:23am CST
lately i go to sleep with lights on..and it really bothers me now...because it might greatly affect our electricity monthly bill..i was wondering if how can i save more???will i continue using the bulb light over night???or candles will do???or lampshades with battery??which one can help me make less...
4 responses
@alouconui (120)
• Philippines
1 Jul 08
You can save electricity by shutting down things that are not used. Plug of your TV set coz it stll consume electricity even it is turned off. Make sure your ref is properly closed and defrost regularly. Make sure also that your electri bulb is clean, Dirty bulbs gives dim reflection. Just used a lower watts on hall ways. I gussed these would help you save your electric bill.
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
30 Jun 08
I definitely wouldn't recommend leaving candles burning all night, andyel - they could cause a fire! You can buy little low voltage plugs which go in power points and make a dull glow so you can see your way around at night - but it would be better if you could manage to sleep without any lights on. If you really need the lights on, maybe you could buy some of the newer type energy saving fluoro bulbs - they use a lot less power than ordinary bulbs, and last a lot longer, too. If you don't like being in the dark, could you open the curtains and get some light from the moon on clear nights?
• India
30 Jun 08
Hi If you use lampshade with battery you have to spend for battery also. You can save some electricity by replacing regular light bulbs with compact fluorescents (CFL). Sleep or shut down your computer when you're not using it. 60 % of the power used from a computer is used by the display screen. Use warm water in your electric washing machine instead of hot water.A warm-water wash/cold-water rinse uses two-thirds of the energy needed for hot wash/warm rinse.
@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
30 Jun 08
You should use night lights if you have trouble sleeping with the lights off.You know the ones that kids use in their rooms? If possible try to find a light that ha timer that automatically shuts off after a certain amount of time. Don't use candles because that might start a fire. If your using lampshades with batteries use rechargeable ones because it would save you more money in the long run.