mobile phone kills your sperms ??

July 1, 2008 2:50am CST
which position you hold the mobile phone in your clothes in your daily life ? trousers packet ? if yes ,that is trouble ,some research shows that radiations kill human sperms up to 30%, this 's a terrible number ,do you trust this ?
3 responses
@alpha7 (1910)
• France
9 Jul 08
Hello, Please,i will like to have your proofs and facts to what you're saying. Any reference will help,thanks.
@juhi06 (1850)
• India
9 Jul 08
better throw it off. and move to place where there is no radiation.
@excellence7 (3652)
• Mauritius
8 Jul 08
I heard about the killing of brain cells but never heard about killing sperms! It seems quite strange, but if so- it would be more advisable to keep mobiles in the shirt pockets.