Siamese cats part 2!

Toby and Sheeba - Toby and Sheeba looking at their new water fountain.  (birthday present!)
@hodgemo2 (272)
United States
November 3, 2006 12:55pm CST
Since I accidentally posted before submitting my pics, here are my babies.
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1 response
• Janesville, Wisconsin
23 Nov 06
Our New Kitten - Here is the newest of the bunch born white, and appears to be turning black. They nicknamed it the Siamese as the children all think that is what it is, it really is just a mixed bread.
Awh how cute, Thank you for sharing... Here is one of our newest kitten. Still pretty wild will not let close then I was when I snapped this picture (10 feet) The kids all think it is a Siamese it is just a white kitten that appears to be turning black. We have another white one that is turning Tabby. So we have some interesting color in their blood lines. It's neat to see pictures of Real Siamese maybe our Tabbies do have a little Siamese blood in them. - DNatureofDTrain
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@hodgemo2 (272)
• United States
27 Nov 06
Oh, how precious! Sometimes, the siamese mizes are even cuter than the purebreds. Though I am still a fan of the long legged, big headed siamese! Thanks so much for the picture! I was beginning to think there were no siamese cat fans out there!