Respect and Manners

United States
July 9, 2008 9:59am CST
I was just wondering what others thought of this topic. I'm going to be fifty this year and I have noticed, like a lot of people that things have certainly changed. Certainly for the good and then along with these changes (not saying that they go hand and hand but..) with the advancement of these "things" which are good to a point. We have forgotten about respecting others and a lot of us have forgotten our manners. It doesn't matter what year one was born to remember to respect another person. It seems that we have all become so busy and consumed with our own lives that the words and actions like being polite, respectful and having manners have disappeared. Any thoughts?
1 response
• United States
12 Jul 08
i don't things have changed for the good especially when it comes to manners & respect. i don't think children are taught any manners anymore. of cours i don't hold that againist the child but do hold it againist the parents. shame on them for not taking the time to teach their children such basic things.
• United States
12 Jul 08
Thank you ANTIQUILADY for your comment. That was my point regarding the topic. As far as things changing, I should have been more precise in the beginning. We have changed with technology not always for the good, but yes parents need to do a better job. I am amazed at some kids these days that are respectful (NOT many mind you) they are few and far between.I should say they hardly exist. It would be nice to have that back again: manners, respect, and of course lets not forget being polite. Thanks again for your comment!