Have you ever had an "out of body" experience? I have.

@mentalward (14691)
United States
July 9, 2008 12:53pm CST
When I was 19 I was diagnosed with cancer. It was just in the beginning stages, so it was operable. They operated and sent me home four days later. The very next day I started to hemorrhage. Back to the hospital I went... fast! They "packed" me where I was hemorrhaging and 'watched' me, checking me every half hour. I continued to hemorrhage through the packing and began to get so weak I couldn't speak when the doctors and nurses surrounded me and began to attempt to save my life. I remember them putting a needle in my arm and later found out that I was being given blood plasma. I was crying and very, very scared. All of a sudden, the pain went away and I felt so peaceful! It was such a beautiful experience, I just can't explain it in words. I remember the doctor's eyes opening very wide as he stared at me and I was looking up at him, then I was eye-level, then looking down on him as he continued to look down at my body. I could see my body. I remember feeling an urge to leave but wanting to stay and watch. I kept going up higher while watching everyone working on my body. All of a sudden, I zipped right back into my body. The pain began again and I felt confused and "cheated". I felt SO GOOD, then so bad again! I didn't want to leave that awesome, peaceful, beautiful place. But, I"m glad now that I did. Do you have a story to share? I'd love to hear it and I'm sure others would, too!
3 responses
• United States
10 Jul 08
I had an experience years ago that I called an out of body experience. I was in my bed and had fallen asleep when I felt myself wake up and float to the ceiling. I heard my dog walk down the hallway and knew I had put her in her room for the night before going to bed, so that's what starlted me to wake me. When I floated to the living room to see how she had gotten out of her room, the front door was wide open and I felt like a presence was in the room. I rebuked that presence in the name of Jesus claiming my belief and trust in Him and the presence left. I put my dog back up, closed the front door and floated back to my bed. I literally felt my body reunite with my spirit and completely woke up. It was kind of scarey but a very interesting experience. Thanks for allowing me to share this with you.
@mentalward (14691)
• United States
11 Jul 08
I have to agree with you that it is a very interesting experience! I wish I could do it more often! It lends credence to the fact that we are not simply a blob of flesh existing here for a short time and then not existing anymore. The body and spirit are two distinct parts of our overall makeup and this is proven when we feel ourselves leaving our bodies, which are only our temporary 'homes', anyway!
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
10 Jul 08
what an experience. you are so brave my friend. i don't think i can handle that situation. and good thing is you are still with us. thank god...
@mentalward (14691)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Oh, I'm sure you could handle it. It doesn't take "courage" to go through something like that. It's amazing the strength that comes out of us when we have something challenging like that happen to us!
@shyamlal (3533)
• India
9 Jul 08
Ohh that might be a terrible experience...I don't remember my self being in that situaion...But one night some thing similar happened to me...I couldn't sleep so sat I a chair looking at my aquarium...It was about 1:30am...I sat there at after what seemed like 10-15 mins I looked at the clock.. It was aroud 4:00am....I don't think I slept...but still donno what I was thinking or what I was doing for that long...
@mentalward (14691)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Yes, it sounds like you had an out-of-body experience! Wouldn't it be nice if we could control them?