Dry or Wet Rice?

@mchavez11 (1406)
July 9, 2008 10:09pm CST
Whenever you eat rice, how do you want it cooked? dry or kinda wet? Mine, i want it somehow dry because its easy to eat and doesn't feel slimy in your palate. Unlike wet rice, it taste and feels like you're eating paste.
5 responses
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
13 Sep 08
rice? a bit wet i mean a bit sticky hmmm with mongo beans soup.
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@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
Mmmmmm. Sexy answer.
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
14 Sep 08
hahaha only in your mind sexy but i mean it the rice
• Philippines
13 Sep 08
I really like my rice a little dry because as what you have just said it is much easier to eat and for me I really dont like sloppy rice even if it ispaired with other delicious delicasies,But rice with just egg would be great than the sloppy cooked rice.Hope you liked my response and have a nice day.
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@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
Well said hiphop. I totally agree with you. Sloppy rice is just awful and yuck. No matter how good the food is if the rice is sloppy then its no good at all.
@capirani (2846)
• United States
10 Jul 08
All my life before I got married, I ate a kind of creamed rice which was made by adding a little bit of milk to the rice just before it was finished cooking. Then once on our plates we would sprinkle either brown or white sugar on it. It goes really good with pork chops or pork steaks. Once I got married I learned a whole new way of cooking rice, as well as a new kind of rice. I learned how to cook Basmati rice and make Indian foods. That is a dry, fluffy style of rice and I love it. I buy both types of rice and make both styles now. I also use regular American rice to add substance to soups sometimes.
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
Wow thats sounds good. Happy mylotting. Keep em posted.
• India
10 Jul 08
Hi Rice is our main food and we use it as dry rice. When the rice got boiled we drain all the water from it and make it dry. It tastes good also easy to eat.
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
Cool..that is neat. Rice is our main food too but I don't understand why we have rice shortage here because of the corruption and the never ending mall constructions. They relace rice field with new subdivisions and bloody malls. Thanks and have a nice day.
@gobispo (81)
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
dry rice works best for me.