Do you write fan-fiction for your favorite anime?

United States
July 13, 2008 11:36pm CST
There are several websites out there that house fan fiction of various types. I am currently working on a fan fiction/original story. The basis of the story is based on the anime Bleach, but it contains completely original characters. Well the characters are based on my friends and myself as shinigami off of a Bleach forum. Do you write fan fiction for your favorite anime? Do you used the main characters of the anime or do you create new characters or a combo of both?
5 responses
• Philippines
17 Jul 08
Oh, speaking of fan fictions... I love those!!! I usually read them but I, if I have the time, also write one of those. I use the real characters of a certain anime (Naruto). I really hate using OC's. I love writing fan fictions!!!
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• United States
29 Jul 08
^^ I need to watch Naruto. I've seen like the first 25 episodes. hehe Do you post your fan fictions on a particular site? Thanks for responding.
• Philippines
29 Jul 08
Oh, I post stories in I hope to see you there, if you have a fanfiction account. Have a nice day and thanks for responding to my post!
@cambiste (1244)
• India
26 Jul 08
The latter. And yes, i used to love writing fan fiction, but lately i've started with my own books, wityh my own charaters and my own storyline. I must say, its because after writing fanfiction for years, i got kind of tired of it, and wanted to start my own stories. My readers of my fanfictions would have noticed that a larger and larger number of new characters, which belong to my imagination, have started appearing, some of them so real and life like, that they cease to be anime characters. I've written fanfictions on Hikaru no Go and Card captor sakura, when i was in my early teens, and havent updated them since. I find my own world facinating, and wonder if there're any sites where i can upload the new fic stories for reviews, as i used to on
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• United States
29 Jul 08
I haven't heard of sites for fiction in general. I would love to find one myself. It would be nice to read your work. Thanks for your response. :)
25 Jul 08
I am an addicted fan fic writer. I enjoy creating stories for my favourite characters on Gakuen Alice and Kingdom Hearts and even Tokyo Mew Mew. I use mainly the characters provided in the anime, but usually I will add in a few of my own unique characters. I enjoy using fantasy, real life, angst, horror and a little bit of supernatural genres in my stories. It is fun to write. I have been writing for about three years now, and I once thought about taking up a career as a writer, but I don't really want to anymore, as I think I am not good enough. I mainly dedicate fanfictions to life, mostly to the true horrors of relationship problems and boyfriends who hurt their lovers. I use the events of what happen in my life in stories, but whatever is partially depressing like a boyfriend hitting his girlfriend is what I think up. I have never been hit by a boyfriend or my parents, but I want to get the harsh reality of life through to a few people. Some of my reviewers feel that I use too much reality in my stories, and tend to disapprove, but I like to use it. Anyway, I would enjoy reading your fanfictions. Bleach is not a personel favourite of mine, but I do watch it occasionally. My sister is an avid fan, but I tend to enjoy girlier anime and manga. I tend to keep the characters to what they normally are, but when I create new characters, they are based off of people I want to meet, my friends and my family. One characters is a tragic sort of person, based off of a close friend of mine who had a tragic past. I love creating storylines and characters. Its absolute fun. If you want to check out stories of mine, visit and search for blue -niagra. You don't have to, but if you want to, you can see what you think of my style of writing, and criticise my terrible editing skills! I have so many typo errors! haha!
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• United States
29 Jul 08
I would love to read your work. I'll go to the site soon and search for you. :D I'm sure you are better than you give yourself credit for. Thanks for replying.
• United States
14 Jul 08
I usually do write fan-fictions -- in my head... I'm a lazy person and never feel like writing them down. I also am bad at filling in the gaps. Like, say I have a great storyline down a beginning, some middle scenes and stuff, but I can never seem to write between that... And an ending? Gah, that would be a like trying to stop a train... If that makes sense. It's good to know that you're writing a fan-fiction ^^ I enjoy reading them because it gives me inspiration.
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• United States
14 Jul 08
^^ It's fun. I get to create all kinds of situations that need to be taken care of. ^^ It also helps me with my other writings as well. It gets the creative juices flowing.
• Philippines
28 Aug 08
Well, I've been writing fanfiction since I was 14. *lol* Which seems like *such* a long time ago. I usually avoid adding in OCs, though sometimes, it can't really be helped, especially when they're needed in plot development and stuff. I've never written a story with an OC as one of the main characters, though. There's this stereotype in fandom that OCs usually turn out to be Mary Sues or Gary Stus but I've seen some writers actually manage to pull it off and produce quality stories with OCs. Good luck~!