Warm vs Cold

@jinxky (2248)
July 14, 2008 11:41pm CST
Warm or cold in taking a bath/shower?
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11 responses
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
15 Jul 08
Regardless of weather, i will always shower with cold water because my body can take it.. hehe ^_^ ANd also, showering with cold water allows my body and muscles to cool down faster.. hehe ^_^ mauhhhh
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
15 Jul 08
That's what normal ple will do.. lol ^_^ But not for me, because i'm a Hot blooded person.. lol ^_^ ANd my body temperature always stays the same, and high, thus i can shower with cold water in any weather.. hehe =D muahhhh
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@jinxky (2248)
• Philippines
15 Jul 08
hehehe if i will do that on cold weather im sure i will get flu & i will sneeze all the time coz of bathing with cold water hehehe.. mmmwaahh :)
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@jinxky (2248)
• Philippines
15 Jul 08
im just showering cold water if the weather is hot lol but if it's cold, i will bath warm water hehehe.. mmwaahh..
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@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
15 Jul 08
well, it depends upon the whether. If it's too hot, I will use warm water in taking a bath. but if it's too hot, I will use the right temperature of water. not too hot, and not to cold. just right. actually, my dad told me not to always use warm water in taking a bath, because it will weaken your body resistance.
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
sorry.. let me rephrase it. If it's too hot, I will use warm water in taking a bath. but if it's too cold, I will use the right temperature of water. not too hot, and not to cold. just right.
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• Philippines
16 Jul 08
OH! God!.. one more! sorry to confuse you. If it's too Cold, I will use warm water in taking a bath. but if it's too hot, I will use the right temperature of water. not too hot, and not to cold. just right.
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@jinxky (2248)
• Philippines
15 Jul 08
if it's hot you still use warm water in taking a bath? anywayz, im usually taking warm bath every morning & if the weather is cold coz i easily get flu if i will just use cold water...
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@jammyt (2818)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
If the weather is hot, I love love love cold water. However, at night, I really take a warm shower to calm my nerves and relax me no matter how hot the weather is. This really helps me to fall asleep at once. When it's raining or it's cold, I really can't take a bath without HOT (not warm) water.
@jinxky (2248)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
yeah me too.. can't take cold baths when the weather is cold.. thanks for the post
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@zeroflashx2 (2491)
• Philippines
15 Jul 08
Hey sis! Well, it depends on the temperature of the room. If it's cold, I'd prefer a warm bath. It doesn't feel good to shiver a lot. The touch of the cold water at 4AM during cold weather is just... tttoo... ccccold... I'd have to wear thick clothes immediately or else, I'd most likely catch a cold. On warm weather though, I need a cold bath. I sweat a lot and I can't tolerate heat. I just have to cool myself down at those times. And then... after 2 minutes I sweat again after taking a cold bath.. (sigh)
• Philippines
15 Jul 08
oh no. I can't endure 3x a day. The most I bathed in a day was 2 and it was when I really need it. I admit, I have little patience when taking a bath. 10 minutes is more than enough.
@jinxky (2248)
• Philippines
15 Jul 08
hey bro, yeah im also taking a warm bath in the morning just like what you have said i also catch a cold & sneeze all the time, in fact when i get up every morning, my habit is sneezing lol weird isnt it.. but of course when we have warm weather i will take a cold bath hehehe.. by the way, if you sweat alot, you should take a bath at least 3x a day.. ^_^
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@richiem (3644)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
I usually bathe with cold water. It is because I have no time for boiling the water in the morning. I really don't get up early so the cold water should be just fine. When bathing with cold water, I have heard that our pores are closed, that means, the air could not get in. For me that is good because when our pores are open (which happens when we bathe in hot water) the air gets in and we feel more colder when we go out of the shower room. But if you bathe with cold water, you won't feel any colder when you go out of the shower room. Have a nice day!
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@jinxky (2248)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
but how about when we have cold weather just like now, do you still bathe with cold water?
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@joyines (239)
• Singapore
15 Jul 08
i cant bath in cold water. i feel awaken and relax with warn water
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@jinxky (2248)
• Philippines
15 Jul 08
how about in winter or rainy days, do you still bath/shower with cold water?
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@joyines (239)
• Singapore
15 Jul 08
i think u got me wrongly.i said i bath with warm water. we dont have winter since im here in singapore.the climate here is just nice not too cold not too hot
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@jinxky (2248)
• Philippines
15 Jul 08
hehehe lol yeah i didnt read your post carefull hehehe... anywayz thanks for the post too
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@lynnchua (3412)
• Singapore
15 Jul 08
I don't take cold shower, like a warm shower because feels better with it.
• United States
15 Jul 08
I used cold water
@joliefille (3690)
• Philippines
20 Jul 08
Definitely warm. It can get so cold early in the morning. But not too warm I might burn. Just a little bit of warm. I only switch it to cold when I'm washing my hair.
@Ambitiouz (200)
• United States
16 Jul 08
I can't ever take a cold shower unless it's summer or right after a workout. I take warm showers and hot baths to relax.
@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
15 Jul 08
I would say that I would prefer a warm shower or bath. Now in the summer when I am hot all day I will find myself taking a cool to almost cold shower and it is very refreshing to me. But generally all the way around I enjoy a warm shower on a regular basis.
@jinxky (2248)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
yeah i enjoy warm bath in the morning coz if i will bath cold water, preferably i will catch cold hehehe
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