before ur wedding u found out that its not possible for u to hav a baby

@joyines (239)
July 15, 2008 12:40am CST
i found a very wonderful man in my life he is very loving and im 100% sure i want to spend the rest of my life with now we are already start to talk about marriage.but honestly im scared....scared that what if i cant give him a child. im already 28 and we just started our relationship.we are planning to get married after 3yrs so we can prepare financially.but by that time im already 31.i know that as u grow older it become lesser to have babies.not to mention that im working in a contruction the stress is always there. im scared to think about this matter coz my bf is the only son in his family which means he is the one that will carry their surname.yah its just a name nothing really too much about it but the thing is i feel that i cant give him complete happiness if i cant giv him even a single son. i dont like to think abt this but what will you do it before ur marriage u found out that its not possible for u to have ur own baby.will u still go for the wedding?
3 responses
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
15 Jul 08
Don't worry - you are only 28, and women are having good, healthy babies well into their 30s these days! Nobody knows how easy it will be for them to become pregnant until they try - so you'll just have to wait and see. If you know for sure you can't have children, I think you should tell your partner, as that's only fair. Also, if someone doesn't wish to ever have children they should also tell their partner before marriage. Having children is an important thing to discuss first, as it can cause a lot of trouble later if one partner's wishes are different to the other's. Good luck!
@joyines (239)
• Singapore
15 Jul 08
yah its true having a baby is like wait and see. i already informed my partner abt this matter and he said he dont mind even we cant have a so happy to have him in my life.thnks forur resonce
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
having a child makes a couple go stronger..but don't put yourself on stress thinking of how it would be when the time comes u get married and u can't bear a early as now you should be honest w/ man. tell him your fear that you cannot give a child because of your problem pr situation. don't loose hope. have faith w/ God and he will surely listen..and while waiting for God's time make your life happy by taking good care of your husband, don't pressure yourself instead enjoy your life as husband and wife
• United States
15 Jul 08
Don't worry about it, there are women in their 50's that still have kids. Most women nowadays wait until their 30's anyway, there's nothing groundbreaking about having kids in your 30's, and I think you will be fine. If he's marrying you, it should be just for you, and I am sure that's all he really wants for now, and if you can provide that you are well on your way to having other goals like having babies. In my opinion I don't really want children, unless if I decided to adopt someday, so a man better accept me for that :p Who knows, I am 18, things can change.